1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
--- Discussion & Coffee ---
2:30 PM
Parallel Session A
(until 4:00 PM)
(HS 7)
2:30 PM
η Photoproduction in the Jülich-Bonn Model
Michael Doring
(George Washington University and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
(HS 7)
3:00 PM
Bonn-Gatchina analysis of the η-photoproduction reactions
Andrey Sarantsev
(HISKP Uni-Bonn)
(HS 7)
3:30 PM
EtaMAID-2019 for η and η' photoproduction on nucleons
Victor Kashevarov
(Institut für Kernphysik, Mainz)
(HS 7)
2:30 PM
Parallel Session B
(until 4:00 PM)
(HS 5)
2:30 PM
Polarizabilities of the nucleon
Philippe Martel
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
(HS 5)
3:00 PM
The Polarized Target at the CBELSA/TAPS Experiment
Stefan Runkel
(University of Bonn (DE))
(HS 5)
3:30 PM
Linearly polarized photons and determination of the polarization degree
Simon Gardner
(Glasgow University)
(HS 5)
2:30 PM
Parallel Session C
(until 4:00 PM)
(HS 6)
2:30 PM
The Discussion of P₍ states and the prediction of J/ᴪ Photo-production
Jiajun Wu
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(HS 6)
3:00 PM
Spectrum and structure of octet and decuplet baryons and their positive-parity excitations
Chen Chen
(JLU Giessen)
(HS 6)
3:30 PM
Meson-baryon Scattering in Extended-on-mass-shell Scheme up to NNLO
Junxu LU
(HS 6)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:30 PM
Parallel Session A
(until 6:20 PM)
(HS 7)
4:30 PM
Determining dominant partial waves in photoproduction via moment analysis
Yannick Wunderlich
(University of Bonn)
(HS 7)
5:00 PM
Evidence for a high spin N* resonance in eta photo-production in the extremely backward angle
Nam Tran
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University)
(HS 7)
5:30 PM
From Experiment to Pole Parameters in a Theory-Independent Way (Fixed-t Single-Energy PWA + Laurent-Pietarinen model for pole extraction)
Alfred Svarc
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
(HS 7)
6:00 PM
Measurement of π⁰ π⁺′⁻ photoproduction off the deuteron and D-butanol targets
Debdeep Ghosal
(University of Basel)
(HS 7)
4:30 PM
Parallel Session B
(until 6:20 PM)
(HS 5)
4:30 PM
Study of baryonic resonances and the ρ meson production in the reaction pp -> pp π⁺ π⁻ at 3.5 GeV with HADES
Amel Belounnas
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay)
(HS 5)
5:00 PM
Non-strange dibaryons studied in coherent double neutral-meson photoproduction on the deuteron
Takatsugu Ishikawa
(Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH), Tohoku University)
(HS 5)
5:30 PM
Recent results of charged pion and kaon photoproduction on the proton at SPring-8/LEPS
Hideki Kohri
(RCNP, Osaka University)
(HS 5)
6:00 PM
η' beam asymmetry at threshold using the BGO-OD experi- ment
- Mr
Stefan Alef
(Physikalisches Institut, Uni Bonn)
(HS 5)
4:30 PM
Parallel Session C
(until 6:20 PM)
(HS 6)
4:30 PM
Covariant nucleon-nucleon contact Lagrangian up to order O(q⁴)
Yang Xiao
(Beihang University)
(HS 6)
5:00 PM
Radiative pion-photoproduction in covariant chiral EFT
Jan Rijneveen
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
(HS 6)
5:30 PM
Role of the N(1535) in the Λ₍ -> k̅° η p decay
Ju-Jun Xie
(HS 6)
6:00 PM
(HS 6)