10–14 Jun 2019
Bonn, Campus Poppelsdorf
Europe/Zurich timezone

Meson-baryon Scattering in Extended-on-mass-shell Scheme up to NNLO

11 Jun 2019, 15:30
HS 6

HS 6

Baryon resonances in experiments with hadron beams and in the e+e- collisions Parallel Session C


Junxu LU


In this present work, we study the scattering of a pseudoscalar
meson off one ground state octet baryon in covariant baryon
chiral perturbation theory up to the next-to-next-to-leading order. We
remove the power counting breaking terms with the extended-on-mass-shell
scheme. We perform the fi?rst combined study of the pion-nucleon
and kaon-nucleon scattering data and show that the covariant baryon
Chiral perturbation theory can provide a reasonable description of the
experimental data for both channels.


Junxu LU Li-Sheng Geng (Beihang University) Dr Xiu-lei Ren (RuHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM) Dr Menglin Du (Bonn university)

Presentation materials