10–14 Jun 2019
Bonn, Campus Poppelsdorf
Europe/Zurich timezone

Covariant nucleon-nucleon contact Lagrangian up to order O(q⁴)

11 Jun 2019, 16:30
HS 6

HS 6

Advances in the modeling of baryon spectrum and structure Parallel Session C


Yang Xiao (Beihang University)


We adopt a covariant version of the naive dimensional analysis and construct the two-nucleon contact Lagrangian constrained by Lorentz, parity, charge conjugation, and Hermitian conjugation symmetries.We show that at O(q^0), O(q^2), and O(q^4), where q denotes a generic small momentum, there are 4, 13, and 23 terms, respectively.We find that by performing 1/mN expansions, the covariant Lagrangian reduces to the conventional nonrelativistic one, which includes 2, 7, and 15 terms at each corresponding order. We also do some preliminary studies on nucleon-nucleon contact potentials.

Primary author

Yang Xiao (Beihang University)


Lisheng Geng Dr Xiu-lei Ren (RuHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM)

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