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CERN Alumni - Moving Out of Academia to Big Data

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map

** Registration is now closed, but if you are at CERN and wish to attend, please come to the Council Chamber at 13.30 **

Building on the success of the first event in this series "Moving Out of Academia" we would like provide CERN Alumni - or soon to be alumni - with the opportunity to  learn more on how fellow alumni successfully managed a transition from Academia to the Business field of Big Data.

If you are considering becoming a data engineer, a machine learning expert, a data scientist, a data analyst or taking on any job in the field of Big Data, this is your opportunity to come along with your questions and obtain first-hand information from our panellists.

The first part of the event is focused on the nature of the work carried out by our panellists and on other skills they acquired at CERN which have helped them (or not) in the transition .

The second part of the event will provide you with very practical advice on how to prepare for such a transition, how to build your CV,  what language to use to market yourself in interviews with recruiters in this field, what errors to avoid and how to promote your assets.


  • Aaron White
  • Abdennacer Hamdi
  • Abdur Rehman Abdur Rehman
  • Abhishek Nag
  • Adrian Buzatu
  • Ahmad Zein Assi
  • Alaettin Serhan Mete
  • Alberto Oliva
  • Alejandro Santos
  • Alessandra Gioventu
  • Alessandra Gnecchi
  • Alessandro Thea
  • Alex Iribarren
  • Alexander Sopio
  • Amar Kapic
  • Amelia Edwards
  • Ana Gago da Silva
  • Ana Mantecas
  • Anders Garritt Knospe
  • Andrea Bocci
  • Andrea Festanti
  • Andrea Gabrielli
  • Andrea Scarpelli
  • Andreas Wagner
  • Annapaola De Cosa
  • Antoni Aduszkiewicz
  • Antonio Romero Vidal
  • Antonio Salvucci
  • Antonio Tropiano
  • Armenuhi Abramyan
  • Basil Schneider
  • Benoit Lefebvre
  • Biagio Zaffora
  • Boris Mangano
  • Carlo Battilana
  • Carlos Miguel Vergel Infante
  • Christian Zimmer
  • Christodoulos Lykourinou
  • Christos Lazaridis
  • Cibran Santamarina Rios
  • Coralie Neubüser
  • Cédric Pompei
  • Daniel Krefl
  • David Cameron
  • David Sangcheol Lee
  • Davide Gerbaudo
  • Devin Mahon
  • Domenico Giordano
  • Dominik Karol Derendarz
  • Douglas Raymond Davis
  • Dr.Iordan Doytchinov
  • Edu Granados
  • Eduard Simioni
  • Eirini Koukovini Platia
  • Emanuel Oswald
  • Emil Kleszcz
  • Erik Fröjdh
  • Fatima Soomro
  • Federica Mingrone
  • Felix Carlier
  • Flavio Archilli
  • Florian Teischinger
  • Francesca Giovacchini
  • Gabriel Alexander Madigan
  • Garabed Halladjian
  • George Coombs
  • Gersende Prior
  • Giacomo Fedi
  • Giorgia Rauco
  • Giulia Ucchielli
  • Gouranga Kole
  • Gurjeet Singh
  • Imai Jen-La Plante
  • Imen Al samarai
  • Ioanna Katsina - Dimoula
  • Irena Veljanovic
  • Ismet Siral
  • James Joseph Buchanan
  • Jangbae Lee
  • Javier Barranco
  • Jessica Prisciandaro
  • Jordi Garra Tico
  • Jose Afonso Sanches
  • Jose Carlos Luna Duran
  • Jovan Mitrevski
  • Julia Iturbe
  • Julian Fesel
  • Katharine Leney
  • Kathryn Marable
  • Khilesh Mistry
  • Kristiane Novotny
  • Lee Carver
  • Leigh Catherine Schaefer
  • Leonardo Cristella
  • Lorenz Maierhofer
  • Lorenzo Russo
  • Luca Pescatore
  • Luiza Ciucu
  • Lukas Gedvilas
  • Manfredi Ronzani
  • Marco D'Andrea
  • Marco Peruzzi
  • Margarita Chrysogelou
  • Marie Lanfermann
  • Mario Campanelli
  • Mario Galanti
  • Marios Theodoropoulos
  • Markus Seidel
  • Massimo Barbagallo
  • Matias Peljo
  • matteo migliorini
  • Matthew Epland
  • Matthieu Valette
  • Mauro Verzetti
  • Michael Eggleston
  • Michael Schenk
  • Michal Piorkowski
  • Michele Barone
  • Michele Floris
  • Michele Piero Blago
  • Miguel Martinez Pedreira
  • Miha Zgubic
  • Muhammed Sameed
  • Myriam Schoenenberger
  • Nabarun Dev
  • Nadir Daci
  • Nandish Arjan Gorasia
  • Narine Manukyan
  • Natalie Heracleous
  • Nataliia Zakharchuk
  • Nicolas Loeillot
  • Nikita Kazeev
  • Nikolaos Kokkinis Ntrenis
  • Niloufar Alipour Tehrani
  • Nuno Guilherme Barros
  • Olga Khalidova
  • Olivier Bondu
  • Orestis Galanis
  • Oscar Estrada Pastor
  • Owen Colegrove
  • Pablo del Castro
  • Paolo Benetti
  • Pawel Klimek
  • Pierluigi Bortignon
  • Quan Wang
  • Rafael Derradi De Souza
  • Reyhaneh Rezvani
  • Ricardo Picatoste
  • Richard Polifka
  • Rikard Sandstrom
  • Roberta Cirillo
  • Roberto Di Nardo
  • Rostyslav Shevchenko
  • Ryan Bernard Calladine
  • Sabrina Milagros Zacarias
  • Sandro Saitta
  • Sebastian Gerber
  • Sebastiana Rita Giani
  • Sebastien Murphy
  • Sebastien Rettie
  • Sedat Altinpinar
  • Senka Duric
  • Sergey Shirobokov
  • Seth Cooper
  • Silvia Taroni
  • Simone Montesano
  • Sitong An
  • Spyridon Papadopoulos
  • Stefan Prenner
  • Stefania Vitillo
  • Suleyman Askar
  • Susan Cheatham
  • Sven-Patrik Hallsjo
  • Sviatoslav Zimine
  • Tomas Hreus
  • Trivan Pal
  • Tuan Mate Nguyen
  • Tulin Varol
  • Ugo Gentile
  • Ulrike Schnoor
  • Valerio Rossetti
  • Vasiliki Kouskoura
  • Vasilis Konstantinides
  • Vincenzo Chiochia
  • Wessel Valkenburg
  • ying ng
  • Yuri Ermoline
  • Zbigniew Baranowski
  • Óscar Boente García
There is a live webcast for this event