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2–5 Apr 2019
Jardí Botànic de València
Europe/Zurich timezone

New developments in conformal tracking for the CLIC detector

4 Apr 2019, 13:00
Jardí Botànic de València

Jardí Botànic de València

Carrer Quart 80, 46008 València, Spain
Talk 2: Real-time pattern recognition, fast tracking and performance evaluation


Erica Brondolin (CERN)


Conformal tracking is the innovative track reconstruction strategy adopted for the detector designed for CLIC.
It features a pattern recognition in a conformal-mapped plane, where helix trajectories of charged particles in a magnetic field are projected into straight lines, followed by a Kalman-Filter-based fit in global space.
The nearest neighbour search is optimized by means of fast kdtrees and a cellular automaton is used to reconstruct the linear paths.
Being based exclusively on the spatial coordinates of the hits, this algorithm is adaptable to different detector designs and beam conditions. In the detector at CLIC, it also profits from the low-mass silicon tracking system, which reduces complications from multiple scattering and interactions.
Full-simulation studies are performed with the iLCSoft framework developed by the Linear Collider Community, in order to validate the algorithm and assess its performances, also in the presence of beam-induced backgrounds expected at 3 TeV CLIC.
In this talk, recent developments and new features of the track reconstruction chain will be discussed. Results will be shown for isolated tracks and di-jet events.

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