2–5 Apr 2019
Jardí Botànic de València
Europe/Zurich timezone

Use of R-trees to improve reconstruction time in pixel trackers

4 Apr 2019, 11:30
Jardí Botànic de València

Jardí Botànic de València

Carrer Quart 80, 46008 València, Spain
Talk 2: Real-time pattern recognition, fast tracking and performance evaluation


Albert Pernía Vázquez (DS4DS, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull)


Computing time is becoming a key issue for tracking algorithms both online and off-line. Programming using adequate data structures can largely improve the efficiency of the reconstruction in terms of time response. We propose using one such data structure, called R-tree, that performs a fast, flexible and custom spatial indexing of the hits based on a neighbourhood organization. The overhead required to prepare the data structure shows to be largely compensated by the efficiency in the search of hits that are candidate to belong to the same track when events present a large number of hits. The study, including different indexing approaches, is performed for a generic pixel tracker largely inspired in the upgrade of the LHCb vertex locator with a backwards reconstruction algorithm of the cellular automaton type.


Albert Pernía Vázquez (DS4DS, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull) Núria Valls Canudas (Universitat de Barcelona) Elisabet Golobardes Ribé (DS4DS, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull) Alessandro Camboni (DS4DS, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull) Xavier Vilasís Cardona (DS4DS, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull)

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