High U(1) charge models in type IIB and their F-theory lift

23 May 2019, 16:20
Copano (Omni Hotel)


Omni Hotel

900 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Oral Formal Field Theory and Strings Formal Field Theory and Strings


Damian Kaloni Mayorga Peña (DCI, University of Guanajuato)


In the quest of obtaining models with U(1) symmetries singlets with charges higher than 4 there is no systematic prescription from the point of view of F-theory. Following early work, where we worked out Sen's weak coupling limit for a family of F-theory standard models we now are able to systematically construct higher U(1) charge models in type IIB applying matrix factorization techniques, in this fashion we are able to obtain models with singlet charges $q\leq 6$.


Damian Kaloni Mayorga Peña (DCI, University of Guanajuato)


Mr Francesco Cianci (University of Trieste) Dr Roberto Valandro (University of Trieste ICTP)

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