We report resent flavor physics results, using pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, including the observation of two excited Bc states, the study of the B->J/Psi Lambda p decay, and a search for charged lepton flavor violating decays tau->3mu. The first analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to a luminosity of 143 fb^-1 at sqrt(s)=13 TeV. The Bc excited states are observed in the Bc pipi invariant mass spectrum, with the ground state reconstructed through its decay to J/Psi pi. The second analysis uses a data set of 19.6 fb^-1 collected at sqrt(s)=8 TeV. The BR of this decay is measured with respect to BR(B+ -> J/Psi K*) and the invariant mass distributions of J/Psi Lambda, J/Psi p and Lambda p systems are investigated. The third analysis uses the data collected by CMS in 2016, corresponsing to a luminosity of 33 fb^-1.