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Measurement of ttH production in multileptonic final states

22 May 2019, 18:00
3rd Floor Lobby (Omni Hotel)

3rd Floor Lobby

Omni Hotel

Poster Electroweak, Top and Higgs Physics Poster Session


Andreas Warburton (McGill University, (CA))


Associated production of top anti-top quark pairs along with a Higgs boson is an important Standard Model process. The top-Yukawa coupling can be directly measured from this process. Being the heaviest of the Standard Model particles, the coupling of top quark to the Higgs field is expected to be large. Any significant deviation in the rate of this process from the Standard Model expectation is a sign for New Physics. We report the latest measurement of this process where the top, anti-top and Higgs bosons decay into a multileptonic final state.

Primary author

Andreas Warburton (McGill University, (CA))

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