24–26 Apr 2019
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Finantial support

Who can benefit from finantial support?

  • ENSAR2 will support the speakers from outside ENSAR2 who are providing expertise on the topics of the workshop and are helping the nuclear physics community achieve its goals.
  • Young researchers who are working in the field and are involved in the developments with GEANT4 but don’t have the funds to travel are also canditates for requesting support.
  • Depending on the finantial situation, additional senior scientists will be considered.
  • ENSAR2 participants should primarily use their own travel funds.

In any event, those seeking finantial support from the workshop organisers should contribute by an oral presentation and submit an abstract. All the abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific advisory committe and once approved, the candidates for getting travel subsistance will be evaluated (by the ENSAR management team).