Spectroscopy, gluon structure and polarisability of kaons in the new QCD facility at the M2 beam line at CERN SPS

9 Apr 2019, 14:00
Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Magna

Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Magna

Via Verdi 9, Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG7: Future of DIS WG7: Future of DIS


Barbara Badelek (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)


The new planned QCD facility at the M2 beam line of the CERN
SPS, will be a successor of COMPASS, and will have a broad
experimental programme addressing fundamental issues
leading to significant improvements in our understanding
of strong interactions. After a brief summary of the planned
research in hadron partonic structure and hadron spectroscopy,
the presentation will focus on two items of the programme,
foreseen after CERN accelerator long shutdown 3:
the spectroscopy and the gluon content of kaons
(the latter via prompt-photon production) and low energy
tests of QCD employing the Primakoff reactions
or the first ever measurements of the kaon polarisability.
A unique tool for these measurements is a high-energy,
high-intensity radio-frequency separated hadron beams
which could be made possible by a major upgrade of the
M2 beam line.

An experimental backbone of the new facility will be the
upgraded multi-purpose two-stage magnetic spectrometer
of COMPASS in the experimental hall EHN2. Individual
instrumentation with modern detector architecture
will be constructed and installed in that hall.

Primary author

Barbara Badelek (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)


Presentation materials