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Light charged Higgs boson production in futures ep colliders

Not scheduled
Palazzo Badini-Confalonieri - Sala Seminari

Palazzo Badini-Confalonieri - Sala Seminari

Via Verdi, 10 Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG3: Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions WG3: Higgs and BSM Physics in Hadron Collisions


Prof. Jaime Hernández-Sánchez (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)


The production of a light charged Higgs boson at the future Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) and Future Circular Collider in the mode hadron-electron (FCC-he) is studied, the main process e^− p \to \nu_e H^− q is considered, taking in account the decay channels H^− \to b \bar{c} and H^− \to \tau \nu_{\tau} in the final state. We analyze these processes in the framework of the 2-Higgs Doublet Model Type III (2HDM-III) and asses the LHeC sensitivity to such H^− signals to opposite a variety of both reducible and irreducible backgrounds. The prospects for H− detection in the 2HDM-III are promising.

Primary authors

Prof. Jaime Hernández-Sánchez (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) Dr Carlos Honorato (BUAP) Prof. Stefano Moretti (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Sebastian Rosado Navarro (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX)) Dr Omar Flores-Sánchez (Departamento de Sistemas y Computaci ́on, Tecnolo ́gico Nacional de M ́exico)

Presentation materials

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