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BFKL Pomeron loops in photoproduction and hadroproduction of J/psi at large transverse momenta

9 Apr 2019, 17:15
Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Multifunzione

Cavallerizza Reale - Aula Multifunzione

Via Verdi, 9 Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG2: Low-x and Diffraction WG2: Small-x and Diffraction


Leszek Motyka


We analyze contributions to diffractive photoproduction and inclusive hadroproduction of J/psi with large transverse momentum coming from cut BFKL Pomeron loops in the corresponding cross sections. In this framework the diffractive photoproduction is described by the diffractive cut of two Pomeron exchange. For the hadroproduction we consider a gluon to J/psi transition mediated by an exchange of two gluons with a partonic target. After inclusion of the small x evolution, the latter process may be described as an exchange of two cut BFKL Pomerons, and it is related to the diffractive photoproduction. We study in detail properties of the diffractive cut and of the double cut of the Pomeron loop. The obtained results are compared to experimental data on diffractive J/psi photoproduction at HERA and to the J/psi hadroproduction data from the LHC.

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