Combined analysis of collinear PDFs and FFs

9 Apr 2019, 12:05
Rettorato - Aula Magna

Rettorato - Aula Magna

Via Verdi, 8 Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1:Structure Functions and Parton Densities


nobuo sato (jlab)


Global QCD analyses of PDFs and fragmentation functions (FFs) have traditionally been performed in completely independent studies. The JAM Collaboration, in contrast, has embarked on a systematic program to simultaneously extract PDFs and FFs from a wide range of processes using Monte Carlo methods. In this talk I will report new results on spin-averaged and spin-dependent PDFs and FFs from a simultaneous analysis of the world’s high-energy scattering data, including for the first time data from unpolarized and polarized semi-inclusive DIS reactions

Primary authors

Jacob Ethier (College of William & Mary / Jefferson Lab) Wally Melnitchouk Carlota Andres Casas nobuo sato (jlab)

Presentation materials