Using Forward-backward Drell-Yan Asymmetry in PDF Determinations

11 Apr 2019, 12:05
Rettorato - Aula Magna

Rettorato - Aula Magna

Via Verdi, 8 Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1:Structure Functions and Parton Densities


Dr Juri Fiaschi (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


Measurements of the forward-backward asymmetry in neutral-current Drell-Yan di-lepton production have primarily been used for determinations of the weak mixing angle $\theta_W$.
We investigate the possibility of using the reconstructed forward-backward asymmetry to place constraints on the determination of the parton distribution functions (PDFs). We perform this study using the open-source QCD platform xFitter. We explore the constraints on the flavour structure of quark distributions and the role of appropriate selection cuts on lepton rapidities both near the Z-boson peak and away from it.


Dr Juri Fiaschi (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


Elena Accomando (Southampton University) Stefano Moretti (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Francesco Hautmann (University of Antwerp (BE)) xFitter developers

Presentation materials