Search for new physics in CP violation with beauty and charm decays at LHCb

10 Apr 2019, 17:30
Palazzo Badini-Confalonieri - Sala Seminari

Palazzo Badini-Confalonieri - Sala Seminari

Via Verdi, 10 Turin
Parallel Session Talk WG5: Physics with Heavy Flavours Joint WG3+WG5: Higgs and BSM + HF Physics


Matteo Bartolini (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))


Precision measurements of CP violating observables in the decays of b and c hadrons are powerful probes to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
The most recent results on CP violation in the decay, mixing and interference of both b and c hadrons obtained by the LHCb Collaboration with Run I and years 2015-2016 of Run II are reviewed. In particular world best constraints and world first measurements are provided for CKM elements, unitarity angles and charm parameters.


Katharina Mueller (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))

Presentation materials