Maria Vittoria Garzelli
( University of Tuebingen, University of Florence and INFN Florence )
We present recent developments in the theoretical description of
processes leading to the production of heavy flavours, which, together
with the most recent experimental data, are of interest for further
constraining present fits of Parton Distribution Functions. We compare
different approaches, and, for selected cases, we show the impact of
using the MSbar scheme as an alternative to the on-shell scheme for
renormalizing the heavy-quark masses.
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
( University of Tuebingen, University of Florence and INFN Florence )
Sergey Alekhin
(University of Hamburg )
Giuseppe Bevilacqua
( MTA-DE Particle Physics Research Group, Debrecen )
Adam Kardos
(University of Debrecen )
S. Moch
(University of Hamburg )
Oleksandr Zenaiev
(University of Hamburg )
Michael Benzke
(University of Hamburg )
Bernd Kniehl
(University of Hamburg)