What attracts to attractors?What attracts to attractors?

3 Jun 2020, 11:50


Oral Presentation Initial State Parallel


Wilke Van Der Schee (CERN)


Whether, how, and to what extent solutions of Bjorken-expanding systems become insensitive to aspects of their initial conditions is of importance for heavy-ion collisions. In this talk I will present attractor solutions in hydrodynamics, kinetic theory and holography, whereby we show that in hydrodynamics and kinetic theory the attractor extends to arbitrarily early times, whereas in holography the attractor solution is reached at the same timescale as the hydrodynamization timescale. Interestingly, in holography this can be intuitively understood by the presence of higher-order correlations, which are related to the initial conditions being present close to the black hole horizon in the dual gravitational theory.

Contribution type Contributed Talk
Track Initial State


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