In PbPb collisions at the LHC, heavy-flavor (charm and bottom) quarks are predominantly produced at the initial stages of the collision via hard scattering, and they evolve with the whole system. The $D^0$ mesons provide insights on the heavy-quarks and details about the system at initial stages, for example, the potential effects of strong electromagnetic (EM) fields created by collision participants and spectators. In this talk, measurements of the flow harmonics ($v_2$ and $v_3$) of $D^0$ ($\bar{u}c$) and $\bar{D^0}$ ($u\bar{c}$) mesons are presented as functions of rapidity ($y$), transverse momentum, and collision centrality for PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV, using the large data samples collected by the CMS experiment during the LHC Run 2. The wide rapidity coverage ($|y|<2$) of these new charm mesons measurements allow for a better understanding of the 3-dimensional evolution of the medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. To search for possible effects from strong EM fields created in PbPb collisions, measurements of $\Delta v_2$ between $D^0$ and $\bar{D^0}$ are presented as functions of rapidity. Finally, based on the scalar product method, a four-particle cumulant technique is employed to measure $D^0$ $v_2$ for the first time in PbPb collisions. These results strengthen the evidence of collective phenomena in large hadronic collision systems.
Contribution type | Contributed Talk |
Track | Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Collaboration (if applicable) | CMS |