Here is a map of how to get to/from the various places around Partikeldagarna:
Google map for transport around Partikeldagarna
How to get from:
- Lund Central Station to the Sparta Guest House
- by foot: see map, duration approx. 30 minutes
- by bus: from Lund C, take bus number 1 with destination Östra Torn via Sparta to the stop Sparta, or bus number 6 with destination Östra Linero via Universitetssjukhuset toSparta, duration approx. 10 minutes
- Lund Central Station to the Astronomy Building (Lundmarksalen) and Fysikum (Sal A)
- by foot: see map, duration approx. 20 minutes
- by bus: from Lund C, take bus number 1with destination Östra Torn via Sparta to stop Fysiologen, duration approx. 6 minutes
- Sparta Guest House to Astronomy Building (Lundmarksalen) and Fysikum (Sal A)
- by foot: see map, duration approx. 15 minutes
The bus timetable can be found here: