30 January 2019 to 1 February 2019
Hotel Ermitage
Europe/Zurich timezone

Quench Protection System (20' + 10')

31 Jan 2019, 11:55
Hotel Ermitage

Hotel Ermitage



Tomasz Podzorny (CERN)


  • Reliability of the system/lessons learnt during Run 2 and from re-commissioning after LS1
  • What are the main evolutions of the system during Run 2? What were the main limitations encountered and which limitations will remain for Run 3?
  • What are the main changes foreseen and how will they impact machine operation?
  • R2E is there an issue and do we foresee mitigation?
  • Trips during ramp-down: causes/mitigation?
  • PM for SEU events? Communication problem and missing PM?
  • Quench heaters is there a potential issue for Run 3?
  • "No QPS" signal and masking?

Presentation materials