May 3 – 5, 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

This international meeting will focus on the development program of the high-power X-band rf system – power generating PETS structures, waveguide network and high-gradient accelerating structures – for CLIC. Ongoing activities such as rf design, manufacturing, preparation, test areas, testing and data analysis will be covered in detail. The workshop will also address:

• Crucial feasibility tests are now underway and results will be reported and summarized. The impact of these results on rf design, manufacturing, preparation and the next steps for the high-power rf testing program will be considered.

• The requirements and design of subsystems such as vacuum, cooling and instrumentation must be established for the CLIC CDR which is being written in 2010. The current concepts will be described along with progress in design, simulation and testing.

• X-band accelerating structure are being developed for applications other than CLIC, such as X-FEL projects and medical accelerators. These developments will be described.

This meeting will be followed by a workshop on breakdown physics in the second half of the week (Breakdown Physics Workshop). Theory, simulation and experiments on high-power and high-gradient phenomenon in a number of fields will be discussed there.

BE Auditorium (Monday 03/05 and Wednesday 05/05) + Council Chamber (Tuesday 04/05)