21–29 Aug 2019
Europe/Athens timezone
ICNFP 2019 follows HiX 2019 (also at the OAC), Int. Workshop devoted to Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken-x (https://indico.cern.ch/event/799284/overview). Related ICNFP Session organized with HiX 2019 convenors will take place the 22-23 August

Physics Opportunities with an Electron Ion Collider in the USA

22 Aug 2019, 12:00
Room 1

Room 1

Oral Presentation Special session on Lepton-Nucleus scattering and Structure of the Nucleon Lepton Nucleon Scattering Mini-workshop


Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)



Primary author

Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials