21–29 Aug 2019
Europe/Athens timezone
ICNFP 2019 follows HiX 2019 (also at the OAC), Int. Workshop devoted to Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken-x (https://indico.cern.ch/event/799284/overview). Related ICNFP Session organized with HiX 2019 convenors will take place the 22-23 August

Payments informations

How to make payments to ICNFP 2019

It is possible to pay via bank transfer to the account below.

Attention, when doing a bank transfer payment please make sure to write

              "YOUR NAME-ICNFP2019 "

or simply "YOUR FAMILY NAME" if there is not enough space

as comment when you make the bank transfer and to keep a proof of the payment and send it per email to icnfp2019@gmail.com with explanation what you paid for (eg like X for conf. fee plus Y days of room at Z price).

Please make sure that you received confirmation of your room booking before paying the room.

Payment can be done either to Academia Europaea - Bergen, or to HG3:

1)  via bank transfer  to "Academia Europaea - Bergen " (Den norske Bank)

DNB bank

Torgallmenningen 2, 5020 BERGEN

(Norsk Kontonummer: 15034464135)

Account number - IBAN: NO42 1503 4464 135

BIC/SWIFT code: DNBANOKKXXXwith the following message:

with a message : ICNFP2019, Name of the participant

2) via bank transfer  to 

Bank Account Name: HG3 Conferences Ltd

Bank Name: NatWest

Bank Address: 3 Cambridge Crescent, Harrogate, HG1 1PE

Account No: 54254922

Sort Code: 60-72-08

IBAN: GB25NWBK60720854254922


Account currency: Euros

Email address for remittances: accounts@hg3.co.uk

Please add 20 EU for the bank transfer costs. We will add it in your receipt.


Financial support

The conference offers limited financial support for young students as well as post doctoral researchers with up to 5 years scientific experience after their Thesis. Interested persons can apply sending an email to the conference email with

- subject of email: "Request for financial support ICNFP 2019"

- a short application letter

- scan of your passport (with the birth date visible)

- a curriculum vitae, including the date of Thesis defence if any, and the age your PhD Thesis diploma (if any) (with the date visible)

- arrange for a letter of reference to be send to the conference email with subject  "Reference Letter for (candidates name) ICNFP 2019".

Details of payments

Conference fee

Regular fee is 375€ for early registration (for participants who register and pay by 15 June 2019) and 425€ for late registration (after 1 June 2019).

Student fee is 275€ for early registration (for participants who register and pay by 15 June 2019) and 325€ for late registration (after 1 June 2019).

The conference fee includes: 

  • Publication of the contributed papers
  • Conference dinner
  • Conference excursion
  • Social events
  • Bus transport from and to the Chania airport at the arrival and departure days (21 and 30 August 2019) of the conference. There will be no transport from Heraklion Airport, which is in 200 km from Kolymbari. 

The conference fee amount is independent of the duration of stay of the delegate and therefore it is also independent of the participation in the conference dinner or the excursion.

For participants not staying in OAC:

An extra payment of 60 EUR per day is to be made for lunch (15 EUR) and dinner (15 EUR) in OAC, and coffee breaks and conference facilities (30 EUR). For those who will arrange meals by themselves and will not eat in OAC, the extra payment is 30 EUR per day.

Excursion fee for accompanying persons:

Please look under item "Conference excursion" for more detailed explanation of the excursions.

Excursion fee for excursion to Chania, 23 August 2019:

10 EU for each accompanying person for the bus transport (also for children)

Excursion fee for excursion 1 (Knossos and Museum of Herakleion) for accompanying persons:

More than 17: 45 Euros
More or equal than 5 and less or equal than 17 years old : 35 Euros
2-5 years old : 20 Euros

Excursion fee for excursions 2 and 3 (Monasteries and beach excursions) for accompanying persons:

Adults and children more than 5 years old: 35 Euros
2-5 years old: 20 Euros

Conference dinner fee for accompanying persons (not staying in OAC) : 30 Euro.

Conference dinner fee for accompanying persons (staying in OAC) : 15 Euro.


Airport transport: Per trajectory from/to the airport for all accompanying persons who need an extra sit: 15 EU.

Every day transport: Per trajectory bus hotel-OAC-hotel for all participants and accompanying persons: 7 EU