Advanced Conductor Technologies is developing high-temperature superconducting Conductor on Round Core (CORC®) cables and wires wound from REBCO coated conductors for use in high-field magnets. Magnet applications on which the conductor development is focused on include compact fusion magnets that operate at currents between 50 and 100 kA at fields of 12 – 20 T and accelerator magnets that operate at currents exceeding 10 kA and engineering current densities (Je) of over 600 A/mm2 at 4.2 K in a background field of 20 T. Here, we outline the latest results of CORC® cable and wire development tailored for each magnet application. We’ll discuss the improvements of CORC® wires with respect to in-field performance and flexibility required for high-field accelerator magnets through improved pinning performance and reduction of the substrate thickness from 30 down to 25 μm in tapes from SuperPower. We will discuss the design of several CORC® Cable-in-Conduit-Conductors (CICC) for fusion magnets that will be tested at 80 kA current in the 10.8 T background field of the SULTAN test facility at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland later this year.
CORC® cables and wires are becoming mature magnet conductors and several magnet programs that incorporate CORC® conductors will be discussed. These include the canted cosine-theta accelerator magnets developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Common Coil insert coil at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and several CORC® insert solenoids at CERN and the Applied Superconductivity Center at the NHMFL.