382 / 382
- Dmytro Abraimov (FSU, NHMFL, ASC)
- Connor Allen
- Aws Al-Taie (Florida State University)
- Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)
- Ladan Amouzegar Ashtiani
- Oliver Amstutz (Linde Kryotechnik AG)
- Ethan Anliker (ANL)
- Phillip Ansell (Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Philipp Arnold
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Speaker at C1Or1B-01: The ESS Test and Instruments Cryoplant – First test results and operation experiences
- Speaker at C1Po1E-01 [30]: Helium management of ESS cryoplants with common safety relief header and recovery system
- Speaker at C4Or1B-04: Commissioning of the Warm Compressor System for the ESS Accelerator Cryoplant
- Anthony Attard (CEA)
- NITIN B (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- Rod Badcock (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Thanatheepan Balachandran (University of Illinois at Urbana Chamapign)
- Shreyas Balachandran (National High Field Magnet Laboratory)
- Andrew Ballard (Syracuse University)
- Shiran Bao (The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- SHRIDHAR BAPAT (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
- maria barba (CEA (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique))
- Anne Barbier (Air Liquide)
- Joseph Bardin (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- James Barkas (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jorge Barreto (LIBPhys-UNL)
- Markus Bauer (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
- Pierre Bauer (ITER)
- Ritendra Bhattacharya (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
- Soumyajit Bhowmick (National Institute of Technology, Calicut)
- Lv Bingkun (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
- Alexander Bleile (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
- Peter Bradley (NIST)
- Benjamin Bradu (CERN)
- Arkadiusz Brenk (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
- Susan Breon (NASA)
- romain bruce (CEA Saclay)
- Thomas Bullard (UES Inc.)
- Carl Bunge (Washington State University)
- Luke Burkhart (Yale University)
- Edgar Canavan (NASA–Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Jee Cha (JPL)
- Yoon seok Chae (Department of Electrical Engineering, Jeju National University)
- Ho-Myung Chang (Hong Ik University)
- Ke Chen (Temple University)
Liubiao Chen
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Speaker at C1Po1C-04 [02]: Research progress of the Vuilleumier-type cryocooler working at liquid helium temperature and its further application prospect
- Speaker at C1Po1C-05 [01]: Numerical investigation on geometry's influence in double stage Vuilleumier type pulse tube cryocooler (VM-DPTC)
- Speaker at C2Po1D-02 [08]: Experimental study on a 20W/80K high frequency pulse tube cryocooler
- Speaker at C2Po1D-04 [07]: Design of a two-stage gas-coupled high-frequency multi-bypass pulse tube cryocooler working around 4 K
- Speaker at C2Po2B-08 [10]: Molecular simulation on adsorption of helium by activated carbon with temperature below 10 K
- Speaker at C3Po1E-04 [27]: A comparative study of two novel liquid air energy storage systems with LNG cold energy recovery
- Speaker at M1Po2C-04 [39]: Development of an in-situ analysis instrument for micro-mechanics of materials with low temperature
- Speaker at C2Po1E-05 [29]: Experimental measurement on the thermal conductivity and specific heat of sea-fish below -40℃
- Speaker at C2Po1E-06 [30]: Numerical and experimental study on the cryogenic freezing process of the Golden Pomfret
- Speaker at C3Po1E-05 [28]: Theoretical investigation of a closed wind-solar-liquid CO2 energy storage system
- Weibo Chen (Jet Propulsion Lab)
Houlei Chen
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Speaker at C1Po2D-03 [09]: Numerical Study on Non-equal Section Regenerator Performance for Pulse Tube Cryocooler
- Speaker at C1Po2D-04 [08]: Asymmetric Research on Multi-bypass for Pulse Tube Cryocooler
- Speaker at C2Po1C-01 [13]: Research on the flow resistance of the J-T orifice of space 4K hybrid J-T cooler
- Anyi Cheng (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xinxin Chu
- Ping-Shun Chuang
- Huang Chuanjun
- Yin Chuanlin (Institute of Cryogenics and Electronics)
- chi chunyun (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Neil Clarke (Oxford Instruments)
- Ted Collings (MSE, OSU)
- Justin Conner (The University of Alabama in Huntsville)
- Ted Conrad (FLIR Systems)
- Guido Consogno (WEKA AG)
- Scott Courts (Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.)
- Ken Cragin (Creare LLC)
- Jian Cui (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yan cungang (TIPC)
- Wei Dai (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shaotao Dai (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Andrew Dalesandro (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Laurent Delprat (CERN)
Jonathan Demko
(LeTourneau University)
- Speaker at C1Or2B-05: Analysis of the thermal recovery of HTS cables after an overcurrent fault
- Speaker at C2Po2C-02 [08]: Thermal Optimization in Design of Functional Insertion Components for Cryogenic Applications
- Speaker at M2Or1C-07: Thermal Properties of Isocyanate Derived Organic Aerogels for Cryogenic Insulation Applications
- Jennifer Detlor (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Pashupati Dhakal (SRF R&D Jefferson Lab)
- Diane Dherbecourt (CEA Grenoble)
- Ram Dhuley (Florida State University)
- Spencer Diamond (Yale University)
- Michael DiPirro (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Paweł Duda (Wroclaw University of Technology)
- John Durrell (University of Cambridge)
- Tanmay Dutta (IIT (ISM) Dhanbad)
- Jean-Marc duval (CEA)
- Rodger Dyson (NASA)
- Adil Echchelh (Laboratory of Energetic Engineering and Materials, Faculty of Sciences Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco.)
- Sebastian Eisenhut (TU Dresden)
- MANUELA ERBE (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- David Evans (Advanced Cryogenic Materials Ltd.)
- Yannick FABRE (AIR LIQUIDE Advanced Technologies)
- Tao Fang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- CJ Favazza (Student at Wentworth Institute of Technology)
- Guochao Feng (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Science)
- carlo ferdeghini (CNR)
- Rohan Fernando (CDC-NIOSH)
- Frederic Ferrand (CERN)
- James Fesmire (NASA)
- Mykhaylo Filipenko (Siemens AG)
- Matt Franchi
- Delaney Freeman (Florida State University)
- Kerry Frohling (Iris Technology)
- Jaroslaw Fydrych (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Venkatarao Ganni (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams - Michigan State University)
- Nathaniel Garceau (National Magnetic Field Labortory - FSU)
- Pulkit Garg (Arizona State University)
- Ali Ghavami (Georgia Tech)
- Alain Girard (CEA)
- Thomas Glasmacher (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
- Wilfried Goldacker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / ITEP)
- Cecile Gondrand (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
- Amit Goyal (University at Buffalo)
Michael Green
(Michigan State University)
- Speaker at C1Po1F-07 [40]: The Effect of the Material in a well-coupled shorted Secondary on Quench Protection of an Insulated ReBCO Tape Solenoid Magnet that is Quench Protected by discharging the Magnet across a Constant Voltage Resistor
- Speaker at C3Po1B-09 [09]: Various Quench Protection Methods for HTS Magnets
- Steffen Grohmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration, Institute for Technical Physics)
- Chloe Gunderson (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- xiaohong Guo
- zhimin guo (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Luna Guo (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Michael Hamilton (Auburn University)
- Qiang Wang Hao
- Kiruba Haran (University of Illinois)
- Karl Hartwig (Texas A&M University)
- Jason Hartwig (NASA / GRC)
- Zach Hartwig (MIT)
- Nusair Hasan (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Timothy Haugan
(U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Speaker at M2Or2B-03 [Invited]: Historical Review of Flux Pinning of (Y,RE)-Ba-Cu-O Coated Conductors, and Impact on Power Device Performance
- Speaker at M2Po2B-05 [36]: Flux Pinning Enhancements of Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films with Nanosize Magnetic Additions
- Speaker at M3Or2B-05: Calorimetric Measurements of YBCO Superconductor and Metallic Cables at High dB/dt in a Cryogenic Stator Machine Environment
- Speaker at M3Or4A-05 [Invited]: Update on Aircraft Electric Propulsion and Impact of Superconducting and Cryogenic Technology
- Speaker at M4Or1A-05 [Invited]: Development of Superconducting-Magnetic-Energy-Storage (SMES) for Electric Aircraft Propulsion
- Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Dan Hauser (NASA-Glenn Research Center)
- Kun He
- Eric Hellstrom (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)
- Andre Henriques (CERN)
- Warren Holmes (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
- Yong-Ju Hong Hong (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)
- S Imam Hossain (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, FL 32310, USA)
- Xinbo Hu (ASC, NHMFL, FSU)
- Jiale Huang (Zhejiang University)
- Mathew Hunt (Washington State University)
- Joe Hurd (Fermilab)
- TERUHITO IIDA (ispace, inc.)
- Yasuhiro Iijima (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Kikelomo Ijagbemi (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Veronica Ilardi (Twente Technical University (NL))
- Masataka Iwakuma (Kyushu University)
- Teruo Izumi (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
- Sahil Jagga (University of Twente)
- Amir Jahromi (NASA/GSFC)
- Bryan James (NASA)
- Matthew C. Jewell (Materials Science Center, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
- Qiming Jia (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zhenan Jiang (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Wenbing Jiang (Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Tao Jin (Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics / Key Laboratory of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
- Wesley Johnson
- Yonglin Ju (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- John Jurns (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Swarn Kalsi
- Speaker at M2Or2A-01 [Invited]: Design of MW-Design of MW-Class Industrial Motors by AMSC
- Speaker at M2Or2A-02 [Invited]: Design of MW-Class Ship Propulsion Motors for US Navy by AMSC
- Speaker at M2Or4A-02 [Invited]: Homopolar Superconducting AC Machines, with HTS Dynamo Driven Field Coils, for Aerospace Applications
- Speaker at M2Or4A-03 [Invited]: Coolant Transfer Coupling for a Rotor Carrying HTS Windings
- Ali Kashani (Millennium Engineering & Integration Company)
- Shinsuke Kawasaki (KEK)
- changlei Ke
- Akihiro Kikuchi (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Ji Hyung Kim (Jeju National University)
- Ho Min Kim (Department of Electrical Engineering, Jeju National University)
- Mark Kimball (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University)
- Steffen Kloeppel (TU Dresden)
- Peter Knudsen (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams - Michigan State University)
- Junseok Ko (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)
- Kamila Kosk-Joniec (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa)
- Logan Kossel (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Malgorzata Kostrzewa (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa)
Chris Kovacs
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M2Po2E-01 [49]: Assessment of current-sharing of fully-excited Nb3Sn Rutherford cable with modified ICR at 4.2 K using a superconducting transformer
- Speaker at M2Po2E-02 [50]: Direct Measurement of Modified Interconductor Contact Resistance Values in Coated Conductor Stacks and Roebel Cables
- Steve Krave (Fermilab)
- Angela Krenn (NASA)
- Duncan Kroll (Michigan State University)
- Hiroaki Kumakura (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Ashish Kumar (SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies))
Abhinav Kumar
(Lovely Professional University, Phagwara)
- Speaker at M1Po2C-11 [44]: AC Loss Analysis on Coated Conductors at different sinusoidal frequencies for Electric Propulsion Applications
- Speaker at M2Po2D-03 [45]: Effect of Interfacial Resistance at Superconductor-stabilizer layer on the Temperature distribution among 2G HTS Tape used for Superconducting Power Applications
- David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Kévin Lauzier (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies/INSA de Lyon)
- Yann Leclercq (CERN)
- Christopher Ledford (North Carolina State University)
- YOUNG-JU LEE (National Fusion Research Institute)
- Jaehwan Lee (Changwon National University)
- Anna Leese de Escobar (NIWC Pacific)
- Victor Lefebvre (CERN)
- Tian Lei (Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc.)
- Hsing-Chieh Li
- shanshan LI
- Kongrong Li (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
- Jing LI (the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Xu Li (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Juliang Li (UMass Amherst)
- Yebin Liu (Syracuse University)
- XiaoGang Liu (ASIPP)
- Shaoshuai Liu (Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sci)
- XiaoFei Lu (Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Tao Ma (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Ryuji MAEKAWA (ITER Organization)
- Boris Maiorov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Goran Majkic (University of Houston)
Milan Majoros
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at C2Po1E-03 [27]: A 3T MRI magnet based on MgB2 strand for cryogen free operation – magnetic, mechanical and thermal FEM modeling
- Speaker at M1Po2C-10 [43]: Magnetic Modelling of Fields and Losses in Fast Switching, Polarizing, Superconducting Undulators
- Speaker at M2Po2E-05 [53]: Numerical modeling of stability and current sharing in Nb3Sn Rutherford cables
- Speaker at M3Or2B-03: Modeling current sharing and protection in a coated conductor-wound racetrack coil with various interlayer contact resistance values
- Ziemowit Malecha (Wroclaw University of Technology)
- Veera Manek (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- James Maniscalco (Cornell University)
- Alexey Mankevich (SuperOx)
- Andy Marsh (Plug Power Inc.)
- Martina Martinello (Fermilab - IIT)
- Kaname Matsumoto (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Andrew May (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
- Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University)
- Ian McKinley (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Rossi Mendez (Demaco Holland B.V.)
- Mike Meyer (NASA)
- Michael Sumption (for ICMC)
- Franklin Miller (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Arpit Mishra
(Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India)
- Speaker at C2Po1F-03 [33]: Effect of Solid Surface in Vicinity of Multi-bubble Array in Cryogenic Environment
- Speaker at C2Po1F-04 [34]: Effect of Curved Rigid Surface on The Collapsing Cavitating Bubble in Cryogenic Environment
- Speaker at C1Po1B-07 [09]: Numerical Analysis of Fluid Transients Induced by Valve Operation in Cryogenic Feed lines
- Mason Mok (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Alexander Molodyk (SuperOx)
- Joydip Mondal (Cryogenic Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- Seung-Hyun Moon (SuNAM Co., Ltd.)
- Alice Moros (Technische Universität Wien)
- Bryant Mueller (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Cory Myers (Ohio State University)
- Katsuhiro Narasaki (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
Joseph Nathan
- Speaker at C3Or1B-05: FRIB Cryogenic Control System
- Long Nguyen
- Jiacai Nie (Beijing Normal University)
- Stephen Nieczkoski (Thermal Space Ltd.)
- Arata Nishimura (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Xiaofei Niu
- Mikhail Novozhilov (Metal Oxide Technologies LLC)
- Xavier Obradors (ICMAB - CSIC)
- Victor Ogunjimi (University of Kansas)
- Tatsunori Okada (Tohoku University)
- Takahiro Okamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- William Oliver (MIT)
- Abiola Oloye (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Jeffrey Olson (Lockheed Martin Space)
- Bakhrom Oripov (University of Maryland)
- Mattia Ortino (TU Wien)
- Richard Ottens (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Alexander Otto
(Solid Material Solutions, LLC)
- Speaker at M2Or1A-05: Development of low loss HTS 2212 wires and cables for ac and ramped field coils
- Speaker at M2Po2E-03 [51]: Low cost transposed cables for coil windings made with Bi2223 and REBCO HTS tapes
- Speaker at M2Po2E-04 [52]: Strong round Bi2212 wire and its fabrication into transposed high current cables
- Toshinori Ozaki (Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Chongin Pak (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Sastry Pamidi (The Florida State University)
- Sastry Pamidi (The Florida State University)
- Jiho Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
- Chanyeop Park (Georgia Tech)
- DONG-SEONG PARK (National Fusion Research Institute)
- Florian Pasdeloup (CERN)
- Pratik Patel (ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
- Ninad Pattalwar (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
- Shrikant Pattalwar (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
- Liujin Pei (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Xuan Peng (Hyper Tech Research Inc.)
- Michael Petach (Northrop Grumman AeroSpace Technology)
- Ken Pfeiffer (STI)
- John Pfotenhauer (Adviser, second author)
- Virginia Phifer
- Federica Pierro (Tufts University)
- Slawomir Pietrowicz (Wroclaw University of Technology)
- Olivier Pirotte (CERN)
- Jaroslaw Polinski (Wroclaw University of Technology)
- Anatolii Polyanskii (FSU, NHMFL, ASC)
- Farhang Pourboghrat (The Ohio State University)
- Joseph Prestigiacomo (US Naval Research Laboratory)
- Tetiana Prikhna (Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sc)
- Uttar Pudasaini (The College of William and Mary)
Sergiy Putselyk
- Speaker at C1Or1B-04: Application of Sub-cooled Superfluid Helium for Cavity Cooling at linac-based Free Electron Lasers, Energy Recovery and Proton Linacs
- Speaker at C1Or2A-05: Stable Operation of Cryogenic System at 2K during the RF or Magnet Power Variations
- Speaker at C2Po1B-04 [17]: Thermal Acoustic Oscillations: Short Review and Countermeasures
- Speaker at C2Po1B-05 [16]: Non-standard Valves for Helium Cryogenics: from Specification till Installation and Commissioning
- Sergiy Putselyk (Fraunhofer FHR)
- X.J Qin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Kyle Radcliff (National High Field Magnetic Lavatory)
- Rajinikumar Ramalingam
- Dhananjay Ravikumar (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Jordan Raymond (Washington State University)
- Lev Reznikov (The Bionetics Corporation Space and Engineering)
- Ian Richardson (Washington State University)
- Jacob Rochester (The Ohio State University)
- Laura Rose (NASA Kennedy Space Center)
- Dario Rosenstock (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Anthony Ruffino (Drexel University)
- Anubhav Sahu (HYPRES)
- Pavitra Sandilya (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- Pavitra Sandilya (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- Md. Nizam Sayeed (Old Dominion University)
- Sonja Schlachter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Frederick Schwartz (Fermilab)
- Mary Ann Sebastian (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)
Venkat Selvamanickam
(University of Houston)
- Speaker at M1Or3B-05 [Invited]: Round REBCO Wires with Excellent Flexibility and High Engineering Current Densities
- Speaker at M2Or4B-01 [Invited]: Thick Film REBCO Tapes with High Critical Currents in High Magnetic Fields
- Speaker at M3Or1B-03 [Invited]: REBCO Tapes on Flexible Dielectric Substrates as Transmission Lines for High Frequency Applications
- Eugen Shabagin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT)
- Yang Shaoqi (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Rajiv Sharma (Institute for Plasma Research)
- Fuzhi Shen
- Tengming Shen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Jun-ichi Shimoyama (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University)
- Keisuke Shinozaki
- Yuko Shiroyanagi (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Vyacheslav Solovyov (Brookhaven Technology Group)
- Qinglu Song (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- William Soyars (Fermilab)
- Abhinav Srivastava (Texas A&M University)
- Wolfgang Stautner (GE Global Research)
- Huikun Su (State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences),University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M2Po2E-06 [54]: Suppression of Magnetization and Creep in High-temperature Superconducting Cable by Magnetic Field Cycling
- Speaker at M2Or3A-02 [Invited]: AC Loss of Superconducting Materials- refined loss estimates for very high density motors and generators for hybrid-electric aircraft: MgB2 wires, Coated conductor tapes and wires
- Speaker at M3Or2B-02 [Invited]: Measurements and Modelling of YBCO Cable at High dB/dt for various HTS cables
- Zu-Hawn Sung (Fermilab)
- Adam Swanger (NASA Kennedy Space Center)
- Kamila Szewczyk (Institute of Physics, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Poland)
- Suguru Takada (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Hiroyuki Takeya (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Jens Tamson (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Julien TANCHON (AFCryo)
- Julien Tanchon (Absolut System)
- Xijun Tao (Zhejiang University)
- Chiara Tarantini (FSU)
- Grzegorz Tatkowski (Fermilab)
- Hideki Tatsumoto (European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS))
- Laurent Tavian (CERN)
- Srikar Telikapalli (Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems)
Herman Ten Kate
- Speaker at C2Or1A-02: Survey of Magnet Designs Developed for the Future Circular Collider Detectors
- Speaker at M3Or1A-02 [Invited]: Development of ReBCO-CORC Conductors and Magnet Technology at CERN
- Speaker at C3Or2A-03: Thermal analysis, cool down - and cryo-operational strategies for the Baby-IAXO magnet
- Speaker at M2Po2C-01 [37]: Pressure-induced critical current reduction in impregnated Nb3Sn Rutherford cables for use in future accelerator magnets
- Theo A. Tervoort (Soft Materials, Department of Materials, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland)
- Goncalo Tomas (University of Twente)
- Thierry TROLLIER (Absolut System)
- James Tuttle (NASA/GSFC)
- Nir Tzabar (Ariel University)
- Srinivas Vanapalli (University of Twente)
- Danko van der Laan (Advanced Conductor Technologies)
- Mark Vanderlaan (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Sandra Varin (CEA Grenoble / SBT)
- Gerard VERMEULEN (Institut Neel (CNRS))
- Andrea Vitrano
- Benjamin Walker (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)
- Robert Walsh (Florida State University)
- Evan D. Walsh (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University)
Fang Wan
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M1Po2A-03 [27]: The Role of Cold High Pressure Densification (CHPD) on Enhancing Critical Current Density and Connectivity of in-situ MgB2 Strand.
- Speaker at M3Or3B-03: Microstructure and Enhanced Engineering Critical Current Density of Advanced-Internal-Magnesium-Infiltration (AIMI) MgB2 Wires with Low Heating Temperature and Long Heating Time.
Junjie Wang
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
- Speaker at C2Po1B-07 [14]: Development of a cryogenic device for peeling fruits
- Speaker at C2Po1D-02 [08]: Experimental study on a 20W/80K high frequency pulse tube cryocooler
- Speaker at C2Po1D-04 [07]: Design of a two-stage gas-coupled high-frequency multi-bypass pulse tube cryocooler working around 4 K
- Speaker at C2Po2B-08 [10]: Molecular simulation on adsorption of helium by activated carbon with temperature below 10 K
- Bangzhu Wang (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Haocheng Wang (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy o)
- Wang
- Jin Zhen Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xiaotao Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zheng Wang (Institute of Cryogenics and Electronics)
- Bin Wang
- Renzhuo Wang (Fermilab)
- Yaning Wang (Zhejiang University)
- Dongliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS)
- Ramnarong Wanison (The Graduate University For Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
- Klaus-Peter Weiss (KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)
- Jeremy Weiss (Advanced Conductor Technologies)
- Kjell Westra (Washington State University)
- Michael White (Fermilab)
- Julian Will (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Daniel Willems (Thales Cryogenics BV)
- Thomas Wirths (Fraunhofer FHR)
- Neil Wright (Michigan State University)
- Izabela Wrona (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa)
- Jihao Wu (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Judy Wu (University of Kansas)
- Jihao Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ming Xia (Kunming Institute of Physics)
- dong XIA (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huangjun Xie (Zhejiang University)
- Peng Xu (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Science)
- Zhan Xu (Southeast University,Nanjing,China)
- Xingchen Xu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
- Shenchen Xue (The Ohio State University)
- Yutaka Yamada (Shanghai Superconductor Technology)
- Kota Yamaguchi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Zhi-Qiang Yang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shirley Yang (Jefferson Lab)
- bin Ye (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- zong yiwen (Hefei institutes of Physical Science,Chinese Academy of Science)
- Takashi Yoshida (Kyushu University)
Danlu Zhang
(The Ohio State University)
- Speaker at M1Po2C-01 [36]: Quench, Normal Zone Propagation Velocity, and the Development of an Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, R&W, MgB2 MRI Segment Coil
- Speaker at M3Or3B-04: Improvement of Upper Critical Field and Irreversible Field in MgB2 Wires and Bulks by Fiber Strain Engineering Method and REO Additions
- Xianping Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Kaikai Zhang (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
Qiyong Zhang
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Speaker at C2Po2A-02 [24]: Performance of the Helium Cryogenic Subcooled Testing Platform
- Speaker at C2Po2A-04 [22]: Control and Commissioning of a Subcooled Helium Cryogenic Testing Platform with Cold Compressors
- Speaker at C3Po1E-01 [25]: Analysis and optimization of the liquid nitrogen pre-cooling stage for EAST helium refrigerator
- xiaohua zhang (Technology Institute of Physical and Chemical,CAS)
- Teng Zhang (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Lei Zhang
- Zijia Zhao (Tufts University)
- Chao ZHOU (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China )
- Zhiwei Zhou (Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Weiping Zhu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Speaker at C1Po2D-06 [06]: Optimum Design of Cryogenic Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers Based on Volume Minimization
- Speaker at C1Po2B-01 [17]: Numerical study of the effect of the helium-based multi-component gas mixture on the internal purifier
- Speaker at C2Po2B-06 [12]: Design and experimental research of the cryogenic ejector to inject liquid nitrogen
- Zhigang Zhu
- Zhigang Zhu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Michael Zuckerbrot (Fermilab)