This paper describes the design and initial operational experience from PIP-II Injector Test cryogenic transfer line. Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is Fermilab’s plan for providing powerful, high-intensity proton beams to the laboratory’s experiments. The increased beam power will position Fermilab as the leading laboratory in the world for accelerator-based neutrino experiments. The PIP-II superconducting linac will provide the megawatt proton beam that is needed for the LBNF/DUNE. PIP-II Injector Test will validate critical components comprising the front end of PIP-II, thereby minimizing the primary technical risk element within the project.
The cryogenic transfer line will provide refrigeration at 2 K, 5 K and 40 K to a Half Wave Resonator (HWR) cryomodule and a Single Spoke Cavity (SSR1) cryomodule. Approximately half of the design and fabrication were done in-house at Fermilab, while the half in the cave was built by Demaco Holland P.V. per Fermilab specification. The transfer line installation in Fermilab Cryomodule Test Facility is near completion and will be commissioned before integrating with system.