Jul 21 – 25, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Abstract submission is closed. Late submissions are no longer accepted except for the extreme circumstance of presenting last minute, ground-breaking research. In such cases, please email your abstract to cecicmc@centennialconferences.com and be sure to include the appropriate submission category. Abstracts will be sent to the Program Chairs for possible consideration at the committee’s discretion.

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to February 27, 2019.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed for content and when accepted, will be used to develop the technical program. Click here for detailed abstract submission information.

All authors of accepted Oral and Poster abstracts are expected to submit their presentations via the Indico site by the first day of the Conference, July 20, 2019. All Plenary, Oral and Poster presentations will be available to all conference attendees.

To submit an abstract and for all further follow-up actions, such as submission of your poster and oral presentation, you must have CERN Lightweight account.

If you do not already have a Lightweight account, click here to create an account. When creating your account:

  • Provide your e-mail address, your first name, last name, institute,
    and agree to the terms.
  • Click on the blue button “Register”. You will receive an email
    notification to confirm your account registration.
  • If you already have a CERN Lightweight account already, please login to this site, see the upper right corner. When logging into the submission site for the first time, you will be asked to create your Indico account for CEC/ICMC'19. Please make sure your affiliation is correctly listed. For help with your password reset, please click here.

To make changes to your submitted abstract, find your submitted abstract(s) further below. Click on the title of your abstract which will take you to the detail of your submission. To the right of your abstract title, click the PENCIL icon (next to "Withdraw"). Once updates have been made, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The call for abstracts is closed.