Jul 21 – 25, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

C3Po1D-04 [02]: Cryocooled Cold Trap System for the SuperCDMS Dilution Refrigerator

Jul 24, 2019, 9:00 AM
Level 6, Cryo Expo Exhibit Hall

Level 6, Cryo Expo Exhibit Hall


Mr Grzegorz Tatkowski (Fermilab)


Operating 6,800 feet underground at the SNOLAB facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, the dilution refrigerator-cooled SuperCDMS experiment has been designed for maximum cryogenic up-time and remote operations. A key element in achieving these goals is a pair cold traps in the helium circulation stream of the dilution refrigerator; the first operating near liquid nitrogen temperatures and the second operating near liquid helium temperatures. Previous experience with the CDMS experiment, located underground at the Soudan Underground Laboratory, has given significant operational experience with dilution refrigerator cold traps and has solidified the demand of a system of dual cold traps. Unlike the CDMS-era system, the new SuperCDMS system will feature a cryocooler powered liquid nitrogen re-liquefying system (as opposed to regular underground re-filling of cold trap Dewars using portable nitrogen Dewars) and a cryogen-free 4 K cold trap, which eliminates the need for a bath of liquid helium.


Mr Grzegorz Tatkowski (Fermilab) Dr Matthew Hollister (Fermilab) Dr Dhuley Ram (Fermilab)


Mr Mark Ruschman (Fermilab) Dr Daniel Bauer (Fermilab) Dr Patrick Lukens (Fermilab)

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