Jul 21 – 25, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

C2Or1B-06: AFCryo large scale refrigeration, liquefaction and remote cooling system portfolio

Jul 23, 2019, 12:15 PM
Level 6, Room 24-25

Level 6, Room 24-25

Contributed Oral Presentation C2Or1B - Non-Aerospace Applications


Mr Julien Tanchon (AFCryo)


AFCryo is a joint venture company between Fabrum Solutions, of New Zealand, and Absolut System, of France specialising in the development and delivery of cryogenic equipment utilising patented membrane cryocooler technology.
A commercial product range has been developed over the last 5 years using an innovative concept of a metallic membrane Pressure Wave Generator (PWG) patented by Callaghan Innovation (New Zealand) coupled with high reliability Pulse Tube cold heads.

In addition to the Pulse tube cold heads technology, the product range is increasing with high reliability flexure bearing Stirling cold heads. This technology is complementary with the existing PWG cryocoolers and offers the ability to extend our product range capability.

This paper presents the latest performances of the commercial products, the new products under development with a focus on the performance of these products when integrated into remote cooling systems using gas circulation loops.

Primary authors

Mr Julien Tanchon (AFCryo) Mr Jerome Lacapere (AFCryo) Mr Thierry Trollier (AFCryo) Mr Christopher Boyle (AFCryo) Mr Hugh Reynolds (AFCryo) Mr Jonas Meier (AFCryo)

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