Jul 21 – 25, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

C2Or2A-04: Influence of periodic motions on the performance of Stirling pulse tube cryocooler

Jul 23, 2019, 4:15 PM
Level 6, Room 26-27

Level 6, Room 26-27


Tao Fang (Georgia Institute of Technology)


Cryocoolers can experience near-periodic heaving or side-to-side motion and acceleration in some applications, in particular on moving platforms. In this work, the effect of heaving and side-to-side movement on a Stirling pulse tube cryocooler was experimentally studied. Periodic heaving and swaying motions having various amplitudes and frequencies were imposed on a Stirling pulse tube cryocooler, using a motion platform. The effects of the motions on the cooling performance of the Stirling pulse tube cryocooler were measured and analyzed. Reduction of cooling power were observed as a result of large acceleration and low frequency periodic motion. The results also indicated that the cryocooler is more sensitive to swaying motions than heaving motions.


Tao Fang (Georgia Institute of Technology)


Dr Mostafa Ghiaasiaan (Georgia Institute of Technology)

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