Jul 21 – 25, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

C1Or2B-03: Conduction-cooled SRF cavities: Apparatus and first results

Jul 22, 2019, 4:30 PM
Level 6, Room 24-25

Level 6, Room 24-25


Ram Dhuley (Fermilab)


Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities are traditionally cooled by immersion in liquid helium, which enforces building and operating complex cryogenic infrastructure. A simpler alternative for cooling the cavities is to conductively couple the cavities with closed-cycle regenerative cryocoolers. In this contribution, we will showcase the development of an experimental setup for demonstrating liquid helium free operation of SRF cavities. The setup comprises a high-purity aluminum link that connects an SRF cavity to a 4 K pulse tube cryocooler, a magnetically shielded cryostat assembly, and a RF driver with phase-locked loop for measuring the cavity performance parameters. We will also present the proof-of-principle accelerating gradients measured on single cell 650 MHz and 1.3 GHz SRF cavities with conduction cooling and discuss pathways to achieve accelerating gradients that are practical for industrial applications.


Ram Dhuley (Fermilab) Michael Geelhoed (Fermilab) Mr Yubin Zhao (Euclid Techlabs, LLC) Dr Iuori Terechkine Terechkine (Fermilab) Mr Matthew Alvarez (Fermilab) Dr Oleg Prokofiev (Fermilab) Dr Jayakar Charles Tobin Thangaraj (Fermilab)

Presentation materials