21–25 Jul 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

M3Or3C-04 [Invited]: Superconducting Qubit Control with Single Flux Quantum Pulses in A Multichip Module

24 Jul 2019, 15:30
Level 6, Room 14

Level 6, Room 14


Andrew Ballard (Syracuse University)


Superconducting qubits are an attractive candidate for building quantum information processors. However, existing control techniques do not scale well to large multi-qubit arrays. A promising candidate for scalable control is the Single Flux Quantum (SFQ) digital logic family. In an initial single-chip implementation, the fidelity of SFQ-based qubit gates was limited by quasiparticle (QP) poisoning of the qubit. QP excitations created from the operation of the SFQ circuitry can be a source of decoherence and temporal instability in the qubit. In order to suppress QP poisoning, we have developed a multi-chip module with an SFQ driver on a classical control chip that is flip-chip coupled to a superconducting qubit on a separate quantum chip. We demonstrate SFQ-based coherent control of a transmon in this multi-chip module. In addition, we characterize the QP poisoning in these structures and compare with earlier measurements on single-chip implementations of SFQ-based qubit control. We discuss strategies for further mitigation of QP poisoning.


Andrew Ballard (Syracuse University) Kenneth Dodge (Syracuse University) Caleb Howington (Syracuse University) Vito Iaia (Syracuse University) JJ Nelson Chuan-Hong Liu (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Edward Leonard (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Mathew Beck (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Alex Kirichenko (HYPRES/SeeQC) Daniel Yohannes (HYPRES/SeeQC) Igor Vernik (HYPRES/SeeQC) Jason Walter (HYPRES/SeeQC) Oleksandr Chernyashevskyy (HYPRES/SeeQC) Oleg Mukhanov (HYPRES/SeeQC) Robert McDermott (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Britton Plourde (Syracuse University)

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