21–25 Jul 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Level 6
US/Eastern timezone

M1Or2C-06: Mechanical tensile testing of Hiperco 50A at cryogenic temperature

22 Jul 2019, 12:00
Level 6, Room 15-16

Level 6, Room 15-16

Contributed Oral Presentation M1Or2C - Metals & Composites


Mr Bryan James (NASA/GSFC)


Hiperco 50A is a highly desired material for use in cryogenic applications, specifically for adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators (ADRs) due to its magnetic field shielding capabilities. Although the alloy has good strength, there is a concern with the material’s brittle behavior which is believed to worsen at low temperature based on previous tests. The testing described here investigates the mechanical properties of Hiperco 50A at cryogenic temperature through mechanical tensile testing to failure and evaluation of the failed coupons. The methods and techniques used to determine the elongation, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and break strength of the material as well as the results will be presented here.


Mr Bryan James (NASA/GSFC) Dr Mark Kimball (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) Peter Shirron (NASA/GSFC) James Tuttle (NASA/GSFC) Mr John Francis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Mr Michael Beamesderfer (NASA/GSFC) Mr Antonio Moreno (NASA/GSFC) Mr Timothy Carnahan (NASA/GSFC)

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