C1Or1B - Large Scale Systems II
- Shrikant Pattalwar (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
- Michael White (Fermilab)
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron-scattering facility being built with extensive international collaboration in Lund, Sweden. The world’s most powerful linear proton accelerator shoots protons against a rotating tungsten target where neutrons are knocked off (“spallate”) and are guided to the neutron instrument suites. Three cryogenic plants and a vast cryogenic distribution...
With end of year 2018 the LHC has completed its second physics run and started its second two-years long shut down period dedicated to planned consolidation, maintenance and upgrade activities. The run2 – four-year physics operation period started in spring 2015 – was used mainly for luminosity production but also to allow the optimization and adaptability of the cryogenic system capacity to...
Brookhaven National Laboratory operates the only functioning collider in the United States – the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The electron-ion collider (eRHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is a proposed large scale upgrade to the existing RHIC facility and is currently in its R&D phase. The new machine involves the use of superconducting technology for accelerating and...
Compactness of linear accelerator is significant factor in achieving short construction times, low infrastructure and operation costs, and is considered as one of key parameters for the next accelerator generation. Operation of XFEL and other accelerators shows the possible limitations on present technologies related to the RF power operation inside the cryomodules. The next development steps...
During the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Run 2 between 2015 and 2018 inclusive, significant dynamic heat loads have been generated and successfully managed by the LHC cryogenic system. These dynamic heat loads are generated by several physical phenomena occurring at two temperature levels and with different time constants. On the magnet cold-mass maintained at 1.9 K, dynamic heat loads are...