C3Or1B - Large Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction - FRIB
- William Soyars (Fermilab)
- Philipp Arnold (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
The FRIB cryogenic plant has been successfully commissioned, including compressor system, 4.5 K cold box system, sub-atmospheric (2 K) cold box system, and the distribution system for two of the three Linacs. This plant uses the Ganni-Floating pressure process, allowing the compressor discharge and 4.5 K cold box supply pressure to automatically vary from 6 to 21 bar, without introducing...
At its maximum capacity condition, the 4.5 K refrigerator system for the FRIB accelerator supports a 180 g/s 30 K 1.16 bar cold compressor return flow, a 14 g/s 4.5 K liquefaction load, a 4 kW 4.5 K refrigeration load, and a 20 kW 35-55 K shield load. Five additional design conditions, ranging from liquefaction to refrigeration and a stand-by/reduced load state, were specified for the sizing...
The Michigan State University Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (MSU-FRIB) accelerator utilizes six types of cryo-modules that are being installed in three Linac segments in the FRIB tunnel. The cryo-modules contain both superconducting RF cavities and solenoid magnets with 2 K and 4.5 K refrigeration loads (respectively), magnet lead flow loads and 35-55 K shield loads and power coupler...
The FRIB cryogenic engineering group designed and built the sub-atmospheric cold box which supports the 2 K (31 mbar) operation of the FRIB accelerator cryo-modules. The centrifugal cryogenic (cold) compressors, designed with room temperature motors and active magnetic bearings, were supplied by Air Liquide to FRIB specifications and were integrated into the cold box which was built on site....
The cryogenic system for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) produces refrigeration required to support 2K, 4K and 35-60K shield loads for the linear accelerator consisting of forty six cryomodules, four superconducting dipoles and fourteen superconducting magnets for the experimental system. The controls system for cryogenics was designed, installed, and commissioned with the goal of...
The design for the FRIB helium compressor system, used for the cryogenic refrigeration, was mainly based on the advancements developed for NASA James Webb project, improving the efficiency, reliability and maintainability from previous helium compression systems. The skid designs were further improved, first for the JLab 12 GeV project, and now with additional improvements for the FRIB...