M1Po2A - Bulk Superconductors
- John Durrell (University of Cambridge)
- Tatiana Prikhna (Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
Practical applications of high temperature superconductors (HTS) usually demand long length wires in which the materials are inevitably polycrystalline. The critical temperature at 38 K and the high upper critical field around 90 T make K-doped BaFe2Fe2 (Ba122) attractive as a high field conductor. The last key aspect which needs to be demonstrated is high Jc in polycrystalline forms such as a...
Single crystals of Ba(Fe1-xNix)2As2 have been produced for systematic magnetic measurements of the critical current density (Jc) over a range of dopings from
x=0.025 to 0.066 and a range of temperatures from 2 K. Analysis of the field dependent critical current density, Jc, shows strong evidence pointing to a flux pinning mechanism dominated by local variation in the mean free path for all...
Cold high pressure densification (CHPD) at pressure up to 1.5 GPa was used to enhance the critical current density (Jc) and connectivity of the in situ powder-in-tube (PIT) and hybrid MgB2 strand. First, the improvement of longitudinal and transverse magnetic Jcs were observed at 4.2 K and 10 K for PIT strands. The higher longitudinal and transverse connectivity in densified strands is shown...
It has been shown experimentally that the stoichiometry of a superconducting magnesium diboride having AlB2 structure with a high level of superconducting properties (transition temperature to superconducting state, critical current density, upper critical magnetic field, and field of irreversibility) is close to MgB1.75O0.25. The ab-inito simulation confirmed the possibility of the existence...
As practical applications of bulk superconductors grown by TSMG and similar methods draw closer it has become apparent that close attention needs to be paid to the mechanical, as opposed to superconducting, properties of these materials. In particular the key limiting factor to the trapping of further increased magnetic fields in bulk superconductors appears to be their mechanical...
The performance of a high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnetic bearing is directly related to the external magnetic field of the permanent magnet (PM) rotor and properties, such trapped magnetic flux, of the superconducting stator. In this paper, finite element models are built for square, tile and circular shape high temperature superconducting blocks of different sizes. A...