M2Or4C - Focus Series C: Superconducting RF Cavity Materials II
- Shreyas Balachandran (National High Field Magnet Laboratory)
- Martina Martinello (Fermilab - IIT)
Superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology is being used in discovery science programs and basic research and it holds the potential for several applications that have a direct impact on society. The advantage of superconducting cavities over those made of normal-conducting metal is their ability to store large amounts of energy with much lower dissipation. The direction of future SRF...
Particle accelerators rely on large values of the thermal conductivity of superconducting Nb for best operation. Manufacturing processes for accelerator cavities can alter the thermal conductivity of Nb by varying its purity, dislocation density, and other material parameters. Optimizing the material parameters for enhanced thermal conductivity may adversely affect other desirable properties,...
Multi-scale modelling was performed to account for the mechanical behavior of Niobium sheets. 3D representative volume elements (3D RVEs) were generated to properly account for the microstructure of the Niobium sheets. The effect of microstructure and constitutive model on the macroscopic behavior of single-crystal and polycrystal Niobium sheets was evaluated based on crystal plasticity finite...
Additive manufacturing is a promising technology for the fabrication of 3 D Nb cavities for quantum computing. We have used this method to generating 3D microwave resonators for QIS applications (resonators and memories). The need is for the highest possible Q-factor to improve the coherence time for cavity-qubit systems, to minimize de-coherence. Here we present our initial studies on...
There are considerable efforts world-wide to use Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities to accelerate charged particles to high energies. These cavities are limited by surface defects which lead to cavity breakdown at high accelerating gradients. A novel near-field magnetic microwave microscope that can study these defects was successfully built using a magnetic writer from a...
Fabricating high purity components utilizing additive manufacturing can be difficult due to contamination (oxygen) of the powder feedstock during handling/screening before the process. Contamination could also occur during fabrication due to the processing environment. Special considerations have to be taken when dealing with high purity materials such as niobium or copper. Here we present...