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Parton Distribution Functions from Euclidean-Space Correlation Functions in Ioffe Time

19 Jun 2019, 10:00


Parallel Hadron structure Hadron structure


David Richards (Jefferson Lab)


The hadronic matrix elements of bi-local operators at short Euclidean
separations evaluated as a function of Ioffe time can be related to
the convolution of the universal parton distribution functions (PDFs) and a
short-distance kernel. In this talk, we describe the method,
beginning with the needed renormalizations for the
case of quark and antiquark fields separated by a Wilson line, and for
the case of two gauge-invariant currents. We then proceed to discuss
the techniques developed to address the ``inverse problem'' needed to
obtain the PDFs from the hadronic matrix elements calculated on the
lattice. Finally, we present our programme of calculations for the
pion and for the nucleon, and possible extensions to explore the
three-dimensional structure of hadrons.

Primary authors

Colin Egerer (College of William and Mary) Dr Balint Joo (Jefferson Lab) Joseph Karpie (College of William and Mary) Mr Tanjib Khan (William and Mary) Kostas Orginos (William and Mary - Jlab) Dr Jianwei Qiu (Jefferson Lab) Prof. Anatoly Radyushkin (Old Dominion University) David Richards (Jefferson Lab) Raza Sufian (University of Kentucky) Dr Frank Winter (Jefferson Lab) Savvas Zafeiropoulos

Presentation materials