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Structure and transitions of nucleon excitations via parity-expanded variational analysis

21 Jun 2019, 16:50


Parallel Hadron structure Hadron structure


Finn Stokes (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)


The recently-introduced Parity Expanded Variational Analysis (PEVA) technique allows for the isolation of baryon eigenstates on the lattice at finite momentum free from opposite-parity contamination. We find that this technique introduces a statistically significant correction in extractions of the electromagnetic form factors of the ground state nucleon.

It also allows first extractions of the elastic and transition form factors of nucleon excitations on the lattice. We present the electromagnetic elastic form factors and helicity amplitudes of two negative-parity excitations of the nucleon. These results provide valuable insight into the structure of these states, and allow for a connection to be made to quark-model states in this energy region.

Primary author

Finn Stokes (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)


Derek Leinweber (University of Adelaide) Dr Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials