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chiral condensate and suscptiblity of SU(2) $n_f=8$ naive staggered system

20 Jun 2019, 14:00
Shimao 3B

Shimao 3B

Parallel Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics Beyond the Standard Model


Dr Issaku Kanamori (R-CCS, RIKEN)


SU(2) 8 fundamental flavor system with naive staggered fermion has a phase transition or crossover at strong coupling, which seems to be a bulk transition.
By using chiral random matrix model we analyse the chiral condensate of this sytem.
We also report the chiral susceptibility and its volume dependence near the transition point.

Primary authors

Dr Issaku Kanamori (R-CCS, RIKEN) LIN DAVID (National Chiao-Tung University)

Presentation materials