Poster Session
The scientific program includes a poster session. This is open to all participants, but a substantial contribute is especially expected from young researchers who are strongly encouraged and invited to submit their abstract.
Posters will be exhibited all week long at the workshop site, although a special session will be dedicated to them on Thursday night, during the "cocktail party", where one can take a closer look at the posters and discuss them with the authors while sipping a drink.
All accepted posters will be published in the workshop proceedings.
Any author presenting an accepted poster at Neutrino Telescopes 2019 must be a registered participant of the conference.
Authors implicitly accept that their posters are published on the INDICO website.
Discount fee is foreseen for all young researchers with an accepted poster: 290 Euro instead of 350 Euro.
An Appealing prize will be given to the best 3 posters. These will be nominated and awarded on Friday morning during the closing plenary session of the workshop.
Be ready for a free one year on-line subscription to "Science"
Poster's abstracts no longer than 800 characters, should be sent by mail to the by using the submission of abstract form.
Dead line for abstract submission: February 22nd
All accepted ones will receive a response of acceptance by March 1st (if not earlier)
All accepted posters will be assigned a number. This has to be reported when registering, in order to benefit from the discounted fee.
Final printed poster should be brought by authors and posted on boards upon arrival on site.
Final poster should be not bigger than A1 format (58x90cm portrait).