Advanced FPGA-Based Readout Electronics for Strip Detectors

11 Jul 2019, 16:25


Mr Yesid Mora Sierra (IEAP CTU in Prague)


In this article we aim to investigate the performance of strip detectors as spectroscopes by measuring typical sources of ionizing particles, such as photons or alpha-particles, having a well-defined energy. To this end a 128-strip low noise FPGA-based readout system was fabricated alongside a corresponding dedicated software tool and connected to a Si strip sensor.
In addition, adequate equalization and calibration methods were developed in order to get a more uniform response from the channels and hence better energy resolution. In order to read all 128 channels of the sensor employed, 4 independent readout ASICs, featuring 32 channels each, had to be used.
In the current investigation a sigma of 1.6 keV was obtained for the mean of all channels within the energy range of 15-60 keV, outperforming comparable Si hybrid-pixel detectors typically having a sigma of 2.3 keV. Using a 6-sigma distance to the electronic noise level it was still obtained a system threshold level of 3 keV.
This research provides valuable information for multiple applications in which strip detectors could be used efficiently to replace hybrid-pixel detectors.


Mr Yesid Mora Sierra (IEAP CTU in Prague)


Mr Wenbin Hou (Stony Brook University) Dr Vjaceslav Georgiev (UWB in Pilsen)

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