Preliminary characterization of a pixelated CZT gamma ray spectrometer

10 Jul 2019, 15:40


Peter Rubovič (Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)


The SRE3020 is a camera module for X-ray and gamma spectroscopy which can be used in a variety of applications, such as radiation hot-spot location, isotope identification, nuclear power plant monitoring, or compton scatter collimation. The module is mounted with a single cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) sensor with the dimensions of 20×20×15 mm$^3$. The sensor readout is pixelated, and it consists of array of 11×11 pixels (121 pixels in total). We present basic characterization of this assembly: (1) characterization of the readout electronics; (2) calibration procedure; (3) spectral response to various radionuclide and calibrated X-ray sources, and (4) fluence rate response of the camera. We also discuss the possibilities of using the setup as a Compton camera.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the Research Council of Norway within subprogram Eurostars-2 under Project Contract no. MSMT-8179/2017-1.


Peter Rubovič (Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Arne Fredriksen (Integrated Detector Electronics AS – IDEAS) Tor Magnus Johansen (Integrated Detector Electronics AS – IDEAS) Mária Slavíčková (Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics) Tomáš Slavíček (Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics)

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