Students Prize and Support

The Swiss Institute for Accelerator Research and Technology (CHART) together with EPFL strongly supports and sponsors students participation to the workshop by offering: 

  • A reduced registration fee to facilitate student participation;
  • A best student poster prize. 


  • This competition is open to students who did not yet complete their PhD thesis and to candidates who already defended their PhD thesis in the 12 months prior to the workshop starting date.  
  • Students willing to participate should announce their interest sending an email to
  • Posters have to be presented on Tuesday 24thfrom 14:00 to 16:00 at the poster area.

Judging Criteria

  • The selecting committee is composed by the workshop session chairs.
  • Tuesday 24th September between 14:00-16:00 each participant should be ready in front of his/her poster to answer all questions from the judges.
  • The judges will come to the posters and pose questions aiming at the evaluation of the poster.
  • There will be more than one judge to evaluate the posters.
  • The winner will be announced on Wednesday 25th at 11:40 during a dedicated ceremony.


  • The prize amounts to 500 CHF and a certificate. 


Student posters should be presented also during the whole workshop as for standard posters.