29 April 2019 to 4 May 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

CiSCoTe : Cible Solide Irradiée Contrôlée en Température (Solid Target irradiated under control temperature by thermocouple and pyrometer)

2 May 2019, 18:04
Ettore Majorana Foundation (Erice)

Ettore Majorana Foundation


Poster Accelerator techniques for medical isotope production Posters Session


Louis Frealle (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans)


In a context of development of radiometals (165Er, 52Mn or 89Zr) for imaging applications at Orleans’ cyclotron, more regular and higher activities are necessary. For that, a new targetry was developed for solid target using a known cooling system [1] where target was in a shuttle. In this targetry, two measurements of temperature have been integrated: one by thermocouple on the backside of the target [2] and a second in its front side without contact by pyrometric measurement. For these experiments, targetry has been evaluated with irradiation of holmium solid target by protons (16MeV) and 17.5MeV (deuterons) [3] for 165Er, Cr target (14MeV) for 52Mn and Y target (12MeV) for 89Zr. First results demonstrated difficulties to direct measurements of lanthanides, certainly due to its excitation. Using a foil of Aluminum, measurements have been obtained from 1 to 20μA with a flow limited at 3.6L/min but reproducibility of results was not possible. Explanations why were in progress and some new experiments must be realized to more clarify these points.

Reference :
[1] G. Goin et al., Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications, 1981, p. 133-135.
[2] S. Chan et al., Proc. 15th International Workshop Targetry and Target Chemistry, 2016, 27-30 [3] J. Vaudon et al. Instruments 2018, 2, 15.
Acknowledgments: I. Da Silva thanks the financial support of AAP - Défi 2017 “Instrumentation aux limites “project “CiSCOTe”: Cible Solide Irradiée Contrôlée en temperature and the French National Research Agency (grant ANR-13-JS07- 0007) for financial support. I. Da Silva thanks too especially Sun Chan, cyclotron engineer manager at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth (Australia) and J. Comor, targetry and irradiation engineer for cyclotron, manager of ELEX Commerce (Servia), for all exchanges about this project and technical information.


Louis Frealle (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans)


A. Canizares (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans) D. Zanghi (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans) I. Da Silva (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans,) P. Rifard. (CEMHTI, CNRS, Univ. Orléans)

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