Proceedings due date: September 7, 2019
Page limits:
- talks < 30 minutes: up to 6 pages
- talks > 30 minutes: up to 8 pages
Layout details:
Use the following 2 files to prepare the written version of your talk in LaTeX: eds2019.tex (containing the publisher's instructions), and eds2019.cls (the style file).
They can be downloaded as a tar file. The result can be visualised on eds2019.pdf
In case you do not use LaTeX, please follow the general typesetting instructions provided for the Moriond proceedings, which can be found here.
File naming:
Name the LaTeX file yourname.tex and provide and archive of your LaTeX source and figures as yourname.tar.gz.
Send all files (.tex, figures and .pdf) as a .tar.gz file - compressed tar - to:
We strongly recommended that you deposit your contribution in the e-Print Archive (arXiv), with the comment: Presented at EDS Blois 2019 Conference, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, June 23--28, 2019
Past proceedings
You can access all available EDS proceedings from past conferences here