Student's Zone 2019 of the NICA Project

B: 215; room 327 (JINR DUBNA)

B: 215; room 327


Joliot Curie 6
Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)


2020 edition of TeFeNICA is open! Click here to register. 




Welcome to the Student's Zone 2019 of the NICA Project!

Latest information regarding all the projects will be published in the "News" section. 

Here you can apply for:

  • Summer Students Program 2019 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) (read more)
  • TeFeNica 2019 - Team for the Future of NICA Students Internship at JINR (read more)
  • Slow Control 2019 - Student's practice during development of the Slow Control System for the NICA Project (read more)
  • Bachelor's degree thesis realization at JINR (read more)
  • Master's degree thesis realization at JINR (read more)

Register for any of the projects listed above here.

Once you're accepted you will find useful information here.

Twiki: Project website carried out in cooperation WUT with JINR
by the Polish Consortium NICA-PL - more details here.

*NICA - Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility; 

Formularz rejestracyjny
    • 10:00 22:00
      Sheremetyevo, Reception,: MASTER

      Arrival of students to Moscow, arrival to Dubna, reception at the hotel

    • 08:00 10:30
      General information: MASTER

      Sessions for all Students. Mandatory presence.

      • 09:40
        Why did you come to Dubna? 50m

        Organizational matters, what we do in Dubna in JINR.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:00
      Presentations of topics: Part I

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 11:00
        Non-organic surface modification with the solid state particle removal. 10m

        Non-organic surface modification with the solid state particle removal. The surface will be used as an undercurrent for ongoing experiments.

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 11:10
        Integration of temperature monitoring software inside RACK Master and Slave 19 "cabinets for the Slow Control System for the TOF-MPD detector 10m

        Integration of temperature monitoring software inside RACK Master and Slave 19 "cabinets for the Slow Control System for the TOF-MPD detector

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 11:20
        Android application for monitoring data from the Slow Control System for the TOF-MPD detector 10m

        Android application for monitoring data from the Slow Control System for the TOF-MPD detector

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 11:30
        Modeling of K+K- fermtoscopic correlations in p+Pb collision using the Therminator2 model 10m

        Modeling of K+K- fermtoscopic correlations in p+Pb collision using the Therminator2 model

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 11:40
        Image taken by Fluke TiS20 visualization by LabVIEW 10m

        An interface is a shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer hardware, peripheral devices, humans and combinations of these. Some computer hardware devices, such as a touchscreen, can both send and receive data through the interface, while others such as a mouse or microphone may only provide an interface to send data to a given system
        Hardware interfaces exist in many of the components, such as the various buses, storage devices, other I/O devices, etc. A hardware interface is described by the mechanical, electrical and logical signals at the interface and the protocol for sequencing them (sometimes called signaling)
        Software interfaces provide access to computer resources (such as memory, CPU, storage, etc.) of the underlying computer system; direct access (i.e. not through well designed interfaces) to such resources by software can have major ramifications—sometimes disastrous ones—for functionality and stability.
        The Fluke Ti20 Imager (hereafter, “the Imager”) is a state-of-the-art, lightweight, pistol- grip style thermal imaging unit. Using the Imager, you can obtain instant and accurate thermal images and radiometric readings from distant targets. The Imager is ergonomically designed for right-hand or left-hand use, and captures thermal images and data with a simple trigger press. The Imager can store up to 50 images that can be downloaded to your personal computer for storage, analysis, and report preparation.
        The InsideIR companion software application, lets you display, examine, and analyze your images and data to determine qualitative and quantitative trends associated with the target equipment. You can also use InsideIR to define maintenance databases based on your equipment conditions, monitoring, and asset management needs.
        The Imager provides high performance thermal imaging and is designed for industrial use. The Ti20:
        • Uses new detection technology to provide a clear thermal image with accurate temperature measurements up to 350 °C (662 °F).
        • Is protected against dust and moisture (IP54 rated) for use in harsh industrial environments.
        • Provides a minimum of 3 hours of continuous battery life.

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 11:50
        Development of software for monitoring temperature inside the MPD-TOF detector 10m

        The main task of the student will be to design the execution and software of the electronic system for measuring and monitoring the temperature of the detector elements based on platinum Pt100 thermoresistors. In order to acquire data, the student should use LabVIEW software and LUMEL SM1 modules. As part of the implementation of the subject of engineering work, there should also be a PCB design that implements the multiplexer task, which will be used in measuring the temperature inside the MPD-TOF detector.

        Speaker: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch Time 1h
    • 13:00 15:00
      Presentations of topics: Part II

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 13:00
        Model of the MPD Multi-Detector prepared with a 3D printing method 10m

        Model of the MPD Multi-Detector prepared with a 3D printing method

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 13:10
        Development of the PLC controller software for the Mixer module of the MPD/TOF Gas System 10m

        Development of the PLC controller software for the Mixer module of the MPD/TOF Gas System

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 13:20
        Development of the data logging, archiving and exporting to database parameters of the MPD/TOF Gas System control software 10m

        Development of the data logging, archiving and exporting to database parameters of the MPD/TOF Gas System control software

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 13:30
        Simulation of the MPD/TOF Gas System operation in the Fluidsim environment 10m

        Simulation of the MPD/TOF Gas System operation in the Fluidsim environment

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 13:40
        Mobile application for the MPD/TOF Gas System monitoring 10m

        Mobile application for the MPD/TOF Gas System monitoring

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 13:50
        Development of the SCADA software for MPD/TOF Gas System in the Simens WinCC 10m

        Development of the SCADA software for MPD/TOF Gas System in the Simens WinCC

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 14:00
        Gas Supply project for the MPD/TOF Gas System 10m

        Gas Supply project for the MPD/TOF Gas System

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 14:10
        Development of the PLC controller software for the Recirculation module of the MPD/TOF Gas System 10m

        Development of the PLC controller software for the Recirculation module of the MPD/TOF Gas System

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 14:20
        Studies of the MPD/TOF detector efficiency and time resolution for varying gas mixture components concentration. 10m

        Studies of the MPD/TOF detector efficiency and time resolution for varying gas mixture components concentration.

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 14:30
        Pressure transmitters, mass flow controllers and control valves calibration and preparation for operation 10m

        Pressure transmitters, mass flow controllers and control valves calibration and preparation for operation

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 14:40
        Emergency situations testing and error handling of the MPD/TOF Gas System control software 10m

        Emergency situations testing and error handling of the MPD/TOF Gas System control software

        Speaker: Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
    • 09:30 10:30
      Presentations of topics: Part III

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 09:30

        R & D (research and development) substantive and practical implementation of Students in design work NICA-MPD-PLATFORM. This is currently the largest project implemented in the Engineering Support group. The designed RACKs will include all power and control of the MPD detector.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 09:40
        NMP IPD Intelligent Power Distributor 10m

        R & D (research and development), functional measurements and operational tests of the Intelligent Power Distributor for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 09:50
        NMP SCADA WinCC 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of a control system, data presentation and processes on the SCADA WinCC platform, using the SIMENS industrial controllers for the NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 10:00
        NMP Temperature monitoring 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of temperature monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 10:10
        NMP Access Control 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of the ACS prototype for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 10:20
        NMP InteliPhy 10m

        R & D (research and development) implementation of a cable connection monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Presentations of topics: Part IV

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 11:00
        Heat transfer simulation of the MPD-TOF detector 10m

        The student should examine the influence of the mesh density used simulation at the maximum temperature inside the detector and determine its optimal value. Then the simulations should be compared with the actual results measured with the FLUKE TiS-20 thermal imaging camera and with the results obtained during temperature measurements with Pt-100 thermistors.

        Speakers: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)), Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
      • 11:10
        Heat transfer simulation of the MPD-TPC detector 10m

        The student should examine the influence of the mesh density used simulation at the maximum temperature inside the detector and determine its optimal value. Then the simulations should be compared with the actual results measured with the FLUKE TiS-20 thermal imaging camera and with the results obtained during temperature measurements with Pt-100 thermistors.

        Speakers: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)), Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
      • 11:20
        Heat transfer simulation of the MPD-ITS detector 10m

        The student should examine the influence of the mesh density used simulation at the maximum temperature inside the detector and determine its optimal value. Then the simulations should be compared with the actual results measured with the FLUKE TiS-20 thermal imaging camera and with the results obtained during temperature measurements with Pt-100 thermistors.

        Speakers: Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)), Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
      • 11:30
        Heat transfer simulations for the PXI module and the CAEN module 10m

        heat flow simulations for the Pxi module and the CAEN module

        Speaker: Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
      • 11:40
        Design and heat transfer simulations for the TOF_MPD detector cooling systemDesign and heat transfer simulations for the tof-mpd detector cooling system 10m

        Design and heat transfer simulations for the TOF-MPD detector cooling system

        Speaker: Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
      • 11:50
        NMP Grounding monitoring 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of a prototype of the earth circuit monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 12:00
        NMP Configurable screen for the control room. 10m

        R & D (research and development) a prototype of a large screen presenter, composed of at least 4x3 (ie 12 screens), easily switched and configured in various tables for data presentation and processes in the Slow Control System for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 12:10
        NMP Alpha, beta, gamma monitoring 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of the alpha, beta and gamma radiation monitoring system and dosimetry for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 12:20
        NMP Monitoring of the Earth's magnetic field 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of the Earth's magnetic field monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch Time 1h
    • 13:30 15:00
      Presentations of topics: PART V

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 13:30
        Drive x, y, z. 10m

        R & D (research and development) we expect that a solution made in the technology of BOSCH aluminum profiles will be proposed, easy to adapt to various applications. We expect that the designed solution will allow to study areas up to 3x3x10mb. The drive system is National Instruments stepper motors, LabView control, Ethernet interfaces.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 13:40
        EqDb Equipment Database. 10m

        R & D (research and development) of EqDb Equipment Database, associated with the NICA Project. The Database Equipment database is at the stage of implementation and data filling. Test designed forms and the idea of data and process organization. Propose and test data recording from and to the Slow Control System.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 13:50
        Drive r, φ. 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of a real prototype drive system for various sensors in the coordinate system: r, φ. We expect that a solution made in the technology of BOSCH aluminum profiles will be proposed, easy to adapt to various applications. We expect the designed solution to study areas up to 3mb x 2π. The drive system is National Instruments stepper motors, LabView control, Ethernet interfaces.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 14:00
        Laboratory infrastructure 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation, and modernization of installations making up the Laboratory's infrastructure. The task includes: laying of cables, IT and earthing pipes. Designing and laying routes and cable tunnels for the entire Lab42 installation, detectors and devices dedicated to the experiment.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 14:10
        NMP Cable tester 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of the cable tester prototype for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 14:20
        NMP GPS Synchronization 10m

        R & D (research and development) and implementation of a time synchronization system for c-RIO cassettes operating in real time, using synchronization and GPS servers, for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
        • Part I 10m
          Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 14:30
        NMP Environmental monitoring MPD 10m

        R & D (research and development) stabilization of environmental conditions for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
    • 09:30 12:00
      Presentations of topics: PART VI

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 09:30
        TPC detector construction 10m

        TPC detector construction

        Speaker: Sergey Aleksandrovich Movchan
      • 09:40
        TPC read-out chambers development 50m

        TPC read-out chambers development

        Speaker: Sergey Aleksandrovich Movchan
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch Time 1h
    • 13:00 15:00
      Presentations of topics: Part VII

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

    • 09:30 10:30
      Presentations of topics: Part VIII

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 09:30
        Management of large-scale physics simulations 10m

        Development of tools for running and monitoring large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of physics events, using existing physics models and large-scale computing infrastructure of JINR (LIT, NICA Cluster, others).

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 09:40
        Analysis of tracking efficiency and momentum resolution for MPDRoot 10m

        Analysis of tracking and PID efficiency in large Monte-Carlo simulations with MPDRoot

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 09:50
        Collaboration tools for MPD 10m

        Development, testing, deployment and maintenance of the collaboration and management IT tools for large-scale scientific collaboration - case study for the MPD Collaboration. Evaluation of the common tools: Trello, Discourse, Wiki, etc.

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 10:00
        Feasibility studies of baryon correlations in the MPD experiment at the NICA complex 10m

        Monte-Carlo simulations of the baryon correlations with the MPD detector

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 10:10
        Generation of large vHELLE datasamples with MPDRoot 10m

        Generation of the large sample of Monte-Carlo events with the vHELLE model, using the MPDRoot software and the GEANT simulation package.

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
      • 10:20
        Generation of large UrQMD Monte-Carlo datasample with MPDRoot 10m

        Generation of large datasamples using the UrQMD generator for selected collision energies, with the MPDRoot software

        Speaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Presentations of topics: Part IX

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 11:00
        Inner tracker development 40m

        Inner tracker development

        Speaker: Yuriy Andreevich Murin
      • 11:40
        Software development for MPD 10m

        Software development for MPD

        Speaker: Yuriy Konstantinovich Potryebennikov
      • 11:50
        Setup of the NICA computing cluster 10m

        Setup of the NICA computing cluster

        Speaker: Yuriy Konstantinovich Potrebyennikov
      • 12:00
        Cosmic ray measurements - using those detectors in huge physical experiments as LHC or NICA. 30m

        Large detectors like ALICE in CERN are often equipped with additional cosmic ray detectors. These detectors are used to obtain information about which tracks inside the detector came from the passage of a particle coming from an atmospheric cascade (eg: muons), and are not as a product of an internal collision. They are also very useful for calibrating detectors such as TOF or TPC. The nature of radiation changes in relation to the direction in the sky which we observe as well as the influence of very thick walls or ground. The goal of this exercise is to self build a small cosmic ray detector and making real measurements using it, and analyzed received results.

        Description of the exercise:
        1. Discussion of the issue of wide atmospheric showers and cosmic irradiation.
        2. Construction of a small detector based on a scintillator and optical element SiPM type.
        3. Carrying out measurements of cosmic radiation and determining the azimuth angle and the environment dependence.
        4. Understanding the “arduino” control system and its programming.
        5. Presentation the Cosmic Watch and CREDO program and the new cosmic radiation detector for the NICA collider (MCORD).
        6. Preparation the own speech at the end of the student practice and for the conference after that, and preparation the publication together with the practice supervisor based on the obtained results.

        Requirements for the students:
        The subject is addressed to students interested: practical measurement systems, astrophysics, nuclear physics and electronics.
        Basic knowledge of electronic layout.
        Basic skills in using Excel program.

        Speaker: Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch Time 1h
    • 13:30 17:10
      Presentations of topics: Part XII

      During this Session, the Supervisors will present themes to be carried out by trainees. Then they will answer the interested questions. Clem of this session is to assign trainees the tasks to be carried out during TeFeNica internships.

      • 13:30
        Group collaboration tools for the software of MPD 10m

        Group collaboration tools for the software of MPD

        Speaker: Oleg Vasilievich Rogachevsky`
      • 13:40
        Model of the MPD detector 10m

        Complementation of the MPD detector's technical sketches and simplified parts in 2D and 3D programs

        Opis ćwiczenia.

        Based on the actual dimensions of the MPD detector, make a model of it on an appropriate scale.

        Speaker: Bartłomiej Juruć
      • 13:50
        Installation and implementation of JIRA and Confluence ATLASSIAN platforms for the Engineering Support for NICA Group. 10m

        R & D (research and development) works and installation of the Jira and Confluence ATLASSIAN platform, implementation of the NICA-MPD-PLATFORM project management system.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
      • 14:00
        Automatic, multipoint, high precision system for temperature measurement. 10m

        In the nuclear processes main interest is the level of energy production. One of the methods of determining this value is a multi-point, high precision measurement of temperature change. The goal of this project is to design a measuring system that solves the problem described. Then the manual preparation of the measuring device, make a software for it and to perform a real temperature measurements. We use temperature high precision sensors type Pt 100, and LUMEL measurement modules. The set should be programmed for online working with the computer control. We will use the LabView environment for it. The set will be useful for calibration other less precision systems.

        Description of the exercise:
        1. Discussion of the issue of ADS reactors and temperature measurement.
        2. Visiting of experimental site and the accelerators site.
        3. Construction of an electronic measuring system (based on ready-made components) based on high precision PT100 platinum sensors and the RS-485 protocol.
        4. Create Measuring system software (or upgrade of existing software) using the LabView environment.
        5. Calibration of the measuring system.
        6. Temperature measurements, normalization of results and their comparison with other results - practical analysis of the obtained results.
        7. Preparation the own speech at the end of the student practice and for the conference after that, and preparation the publication together with the practice supervisor based on the obtained results.

        Requirements for the students:
        The subject is addressed to students interested in electronics, practical measuring systems and nuclear physics.
        Basic knowledge of electronic layout.
        Basic skills in using Excel program and the LabView environment.

        Exercise for up to 4 students

        Speaker: Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)
      • 14:10
        Experimental measurement of the level of transmutation and neutron flux density in subcritical nuclear reactors ADS. 15m

        Nuclear reactors type III and III + dominate on the world, currently. Safety considerations, as well as the increasing requirements, are reason on intensive research on type IV reactors. An example of it, is the subcritical nuclear reactor controlled by a beam from the accelerator "ADS". The key issue in the design of such reactors is the knowledge of the neutron flux density values inside the reactor. Consider methods for determining the level of transmutation in subcritical reactors by using nuclear threshold reactions to determine the density of fast neutron fluxes. The goal will be to perform practical measurements using germanium detectors, calibration of results and their analysis.

        Description of the exercise:
        1. Discussion of the differences (advantage and disadvantage) of various types of nuclear reactors compared to subcritical accelerator-controlled reactors
        2. Participation in the experiment (if such will take place during the practice), and visiting of experimental site and the accelerators site.
        3. Measurements of the samples gamma spectrum on germanium detector and detector calibration procedure. Samples irradiated in time of the experiment.
        4. Analysis of obtained gamma spectra (Deimos program) and identification of isotopes.
        5. Determination of the isotope content in the samples.
        6. Normalization of results and their comparison with other results - practical analysis of the results obtained.
        7. Determination of neutron flux density with energy above 10 MeV.
        8. Preparation the own speech at the end of the student practice and for the conference after that, and preparation the publication together with the practice supervisor based on the obtained results.

        Requirements for the students:
        The topic is addressed to students interested in nuclear experimental physics using large research equipment and/or nuclear energetic.
        Basic knowledge of nuclear physics
        Basic skills in using Excel program.

        Speaker: Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)