SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) is a proposed general purpose fixed target experiment to be located at the CERN SPS. It will search for weakly interacting particles with masses below 10 GeV. The experiment will comprise a heavy target followed by a magnetic muon shield and a dedicated neutrino detector. Downstream of the neutrino detector is a Hidden Sector detector, consisting of an evacuated vacuum vessel, spectrometer, veto timing detector, calorimeters and a muon detector.
A veto timing detector is necessary in order to reject combinatorial di-muon backgrounds. It was found that requiring coincidence events to be within 100 ps was sufficient to reduce this background to an acceptable level. A proposed option for the timing detector consist of scintillating bars read out by arrays of silicon photomultipliers. The detector comprises 546 bars of EJ-200 scintillating material with dimensions 168 cm x 6 cm x 1cm broken into three columns and covering an active area of 5 m x 10 m. The end of each bar is read out by an array of eight silicon photomultipliers attached to custom PCBs and subsequently read out by a DAQ system based on SAMPIC.
We present test beam results on a single column 22 bar prototype for the SHiP timing detector. Measurements were taken at the T10 beam line of the CERN PS. A timing resolution across the entire detector is found to be about 90 ps. The particle identification cabability using a ToF method is also demonstrated.
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