The RD53 Collaboration has been tasked with the development of Pixel detector readout chips for the upgrades of the silicon detectors of the ATLAS and CMS experiment for the HL-LHC era. ?This talk will summarise the results achieved with the first large size demonstrator chip developed by the RD53 collaboration, named RD53A. RD53A contains 76,800 pixels with 50 by 50 $\mu m^2$ pitch. RD53A features three analog front-ends which have been characterised extensively and all fulfil the RD53A specification of being very low-noise and enabling thresholds of 1000 $e$ and less. Based on these results each experiment has chosen the analog front-end to be featured in their Pixel detector readout chip. Furthermore RD53A has been used by each experiment for sensor characterisation as well as a foundation to design and test the system architecture and components of their future Pixel detectors. The successor to RD53A will be RD53B, which will serve as a common virtual baseline from which each experiment will derive their readout chip to match the requested size and front-end choice. The first chip to be derived from RD53B will be ITkPixV1 the pre-production readout chip for the ATLAS Pixel detector upgrade, which will be submitted for production in Fall 2019. The lessons learned from RD53A and how they influenced the RD53B will be discussed, as well as a general overview of new features of the RD53B design.
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